Example sentences of "[verb] him to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed ; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study .
2 Although he had recently been converted , it was Paisley 's conservative attack on unreliable unionist leaders which first drew him to Free Presbyterianism .
3 Houghton 's wife reported him to naval security for being in possession of large sums of cash .
4 This enables the interviewer to burrow much further into the complexities of some situations and may well introduce him to relevant factors which had not been thought of before at all .
5 Mr Brown is parading this tacit Jackson support in an effort to draw blacks away from Mr Bill Clinton , the Democrats ' front-runner whose solid black support helped him to big victories in the South and Mid-West .
6 But her urgency seemed to provoke him to lazy slowness .
7 I referred him to various people who knew his father , including one or two working in the Eastern European section of MI6 at the time . ’
8 He agreed to a televised debate , hosted by Dan Rather , with Cameron Nielson Sr. Farnham was still feisty on the show , but Cameron Nielson , looking younger now than his son , was as skilled as a great matador , and finally evened the score with his former tormentor , driving him to tearful contrition .
9 James 's increasing financial difficulties impelled him to desperate measures .
10 Gandhi dissociated himself from this development and withdrew from politics until 1939 , when the outbreak of the Second World War stirred him to political action again .
11 Elsa departed because she could n't take Fagg 's oft-repeated loud muttering of ‘ Swiss maybe , but Swiss-Kraut certainly ’ ; two male Chinese took umbrage when he denounced them as Nips ; an observing Hindu became revolted when Mauleverer , an occasional resident , subjected him to intense cross-questioning about whether the liver was from a Dutch calf and was being served sufficiently rare ; and a delicious-looking Filipino , who strayed too close to Fishbane at breakfast , received a pinch which made her hysterical .
12 And some go on to accuse him of tunnel-vision , saying they doubt whether he ever really wanted a peaceful settlement in the Gulf ; whether he now has a view of what American policy after the war should be ; and whether his single-minded determination to win the war is blinding him to other dangers .
13 Provocation on the part of the plaintiff may disentitle him to aggravated damages .
14 But Peyton 's heroics are unlikely to lead him to European glory .
15 He was a weak , cowardly man , she reflected , who wanted to be popular with everyone , yet whose deep insecurity drove him to self-righteous pomposity and chill cruelty .
16 It provoked him to impotent fury , but there was nothing he could do .
17 He could n't call himself a violinist , he says , because , for four years , his fiddle had only three strings , forcing him to virtuosic feats of improvisation .
18 And I spring out of bed , naked as I am , and I just start to tear him to fucking pieces .
19 A series of publications subjecting him to merciless ridicule appeared in 1691 — note the date .
20 The unpopularity of the planned change , however , led Kim Young Sam to reverse his position and exposed him to subsequent attack by DJP supporters within the ruling party , who leaked his role in the memorandum agreement to the press .
21 Klein , who denied the reports linking him to Colombian drug dealers , was committed for trial on June 1 , 1990 , charged with illegally exporting Israeli military expertise .
22 So Suger persuaded Louis to begin the task — not completed till the reign of Philip Augustus — of extricating himself from the bonds of homage which bound him to various bishops in the realm .
23 Bill McGuire 's studies will take him to various volcanos around the Mediterranean and Indian Oceans .
24 . I 'm gon na take him to outer space to find another race , I 'm gon na take him to outer space .
25 . I 'm gon na take him to outer space to find another race , I 'm gon na take him to outer space .
26 And while Clough misses out again , it is understood that Blanc has a contract that will take him to French drama club Marseille in the summer .
27 If he is unable to breathe spontaneously it would be cruel to subject him to positive pressure ventilation to prolong his life artificially .
28 In Galway itself , the scenes and actions of the past few years had brought him to early maturity as a willing recruit for the politics of the street fight .
29 His wrathful imagination led him to grotesque ideas
30 This sense of perspective led him to lucid conclusions about the inescapable reality of decolonization and the long-term interests of France , which were better served by accepting decolonization than by resisting it .
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