Example sentences of "[verb] him [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 RONNIE O'Sullivan was beaten for the first time in 25 snooker matches last night — Dave Finbow thrashed him 5-0 in the Dubai Classic .
2 Thus , it is contrary to natural justice to inform an individual of only one complaint against him if there are two , or to find him guilty of a different offence from the one he was actually charged with .
3 She had an exhaustive knowledge of Sunday Schools and it was depressing to find him full of the same bogus affability that she detected on every Sabbath of the year .
4 As he began to shout his reply , he only managed the words , ‘ Bloody tacky , ’ when , at the sound of his raised voice close to her ear , Daisy swung her head towards him and caught him full in the chest with her nose .
5 Her spittle caught him full in the face , caught him offguard .
6 It caught him full in the middle of his back , throwing him into the air before he crashed down on the cobbles .
7 Kenneth Andrew Sanderson , of Wallace Avenue , Huyton , was sentenced in January 1991 after a Southampton Crown Court jury found him guilty of the two robberies for each of which he received seven years , concurrent ; he got six months concurrent for an admitted burglary .
8 The jury found him guilty on a reduced charge of assaulting the youth by knocking him to the ground .
9 They found him naked in the morning ,
10 Then one night he drank very heavily and ran wildly out of the house , and in the morning we found him dead in a river .
11 Some of us worried and went looking for him , then one of Alf Wood 's sons found him dead in the old pw hut , we think he died of a heart attack or so the doctor said .
12 The residential workers found him evasive in the account he gave of his actions and feelings .
13 She found him alone for a moment .
14 Later , when I returned to the old man , I found him alone with a few boys and the American film .
15 One tells of how he was left paralysed after paramilitaries beat him senseless with a baseball bat .
16 A COACH , who became so incensed with his opposite number at an U8 match in New Zealand , has been banned for three years for punching and knocking him unconscious with the result that specialist surgery might be required for a fractured cheek bone and other complications .
17 As Lefevre drew his sword , the whip snaked out to catch him full in the face , ripping open his cheek from temple to jaw .
18 Her aim , intended to catch him full in the face with the boiling liquid , was inhibited by the way he was holding her , but some of it splashed his cheek .
19 I sat down in Dad 's chair and told him all about the old lady and her brother , or at least what I knew , which was n't much .
20 A security man working at the centre said the injured man told him one of the gunmen put a sub-machine gun to his head , but that it had failed to go off .
21 Police were forced to set him free with a warning — back to the parents who yesterday admitted he was out of control and said they wanted to see him prosecuted .
22 We 're going to set him free in a day or two . ’
23 He was standing in the far corner , talking to some men , and she was able to view him unobserved for a few moments .
24 The young Greindl 's few phrases as Daland show him devoid of the unsteadiness that would later mar his singing .
25 Firemen cut him free from the vehicle in a lay-by on the eastbound carriageway of the A45 at Risby , near Bury St Edmunds .
26 Lloyd 's long term aim is to open two clubs a year for the next ten years , a target that , if achieved , would give him 23 by the end of the century .
27 His brother has lent him some for the time being , but Mr Szuluk says without proper clothes , he ca n't get a job .
28 He had already noted in her favour that she did not avoid looking him full in the face as many did ; nor did she flinch or stare when she did .
29 This quote from Jean Aurenche , who co-scripted Tavernier 's first three features , identifies the driving force which informs all the director 's work , and has made him one of the leading European directors today .
30 His discipline , his dedication , and his pursuit of excellence may not have made him the most charismatic of world class players , but it has made him one of the most respected .
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