Example sentences of "[verb] into [art] long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Salt had recovered from her first surprise and was about to launch into a longer attack .
2 He usually bedded down on newspapers and covered himself with an old blanket which he sometimes left in the porch , ready for the next night , and sometimes took away , rolled into a long wad and tied around his stomach with string .
3 Can I also say that the erm the fear expressed about Woolwich , I believe to be fairly well founded Woolwich building , a Woolwich er , Building Society had been on erm , entered into a long time ago on this erm and the letter that was read out at Potter Street area committee from Woolwich indicated that they had n't yet decided whether they would proceed and er I think is I 've talked to the publican since they have promised us an answer this week er we are intending , we have spoken , Dermot 's also spoken to our managing director we are confident we will have an answer from this week and I have to tell you that I think the answer will either no , or it will be so hazy that we 'll need to take some action and make a decision .
4 Gazelles , no less than cheetahs , are subject to cumulative selection , and they too will tend , as the generations go by , to improve their ability to run fast , to react swiftly , to become invisible by blending into the long grass .
5 If I 'm very lucky , she thought , I might just avoid being turned into a long smear of guts and blood .
6 It had originally been a short par 4 , but had been turned into a long par 3 .
7 How could she tell this hostile man that his brother had only suggested she pretend to be his fiancée as they 'd turned into the long drive leading up to Rocamar ?
8 It has turned into the longest slump since the 1930s because real interest rates have remained punitively high , squeezing millions of home-owners who over-reached themselves in the housing boom .
9 Do these exercises whilst looking into a long mirror and do them smoothly .
10 By the time she turned into the long street to her flat , however , she had herself under control .
11 As they came up into the May morning he hopped over the ditch and skipped into the long grass as blithe as a squirrel .
12 She pulled a shimmering gold evening dress out of a box and held it in front of her , gazing into the long mirror as if she loved the combination of woman and gown .
13 Official figures released today prove that Britain is locked into the longest recession since the Second World War .
14 Walking makes you slim , builds cardiovascular fitness , and can develop into a long term habit that you can use for the rest of your life .
15 Pour into a long glass and top with soda .
16 Question time , which might be used to investigate major issues of general public interest , degenerates into a long series of requests for information about individual cases : 333 out of the 357 questions put to the Minister for Social Welfare in October and November 1983 fell into this category .
17 Hair was razor cut into a long bob and heavily tousled into shape .
18 Sometimes , if he thought one of the girls did n't know what he was doing , he 'd go into a long explanation of why he had n't actually tasted the stuff .
19 The correct word-path is excluded from many mid and mixed utterances because an alternative parsing into a long word is preferred .
20 When Juliet asked about staff who had been there twenty years ago , she went into a long rigmarole about the different jobs she 'd had , and her family problems , then digressed to the present staff .
21 The two went into a long drinking session , and the end of it was that he bought the man 's seventeen-year-old daughter outright , with the last of his grant .
22 The moment she hit one of the papers , she braked and went into a long skid , sliding right across the kitchen floor to the other wall , which she thumped into , still standing on her ‘ magic carpet ’ .
23 Through the gate and over the lumpy ground , and she opened the door and went into a long drill hall with a clacking wooden floor .
24 During her researches she went to Lord 's to examine the immense collection which belongs to the MCC and went into the Long Room .
25 She had n't been paying much attention to the journey , and did n't have any idea of where they were ; the archway led into a long courtyard with a cobbled surface and small , squeezed-in houses to either side .
26 He moves into a long attempt , which takes up the rest of the book , to revise the earlier ontology of Being and Nothingness into a new ontology of action and even of History , as if , after all , he is investigating the prospect of accrediting the latter with ontological status — a possibility which has always haunted his text in its insistent negation .
27 He launched into a long explanation , when I tackled him .
28 Her hair , braided into a long plait which fell over one shoulder , looked dusty and lustreless .
29 The road leading through the row of cottages extended into a long stretch of open country with lanes leading off it .
30 Many species have the aperture flared , or extended into a long tube ( siphonate forms ) .
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