Example sentences of "[verb] its [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike its classic American predecessor , from whom Rudner and Bergman have shamelessly pinched not only the basic scenario but also many a vignette along the way , Peter 's Friends never unfolds its characters with any psychological depth or surprise .
2 The manufacturer and the defendant in the case , Merrell Dow ( now Marion Merrell Dow of Kansas City ) , has consistently won its case in some 200 lawsuits brought by parents who claim that Bendectin is a teratogen .
3 Reportedly UI has spent the last six months explaining its vision to these companies ( UX No 391 ) .
4 Forty four members were nominated to service on ARCUK Council and the Institute maintained its representation on all ARCUK committees .
5 One of the characteristics of judicial review is that the supervising court does not substitute its decision for that of the public authority ; rather it leaves it to the body to make good its illegal behaviour by making a fresh decision which complies with the requirements of the law .
6 The court accepted that it should not substitute its judgment for that of the agency .
7 Lord Greene M.R. stressed that the court should not substitute its view for that of the corporation , and then proceeded to examine what the term unreasonableness meant in this context .
8 In fact almost every large Greek bronze we have owes its survival to some accident which sequestered it in antiquity : a shipwreck , a fall of rock .
9 This concept met resistance in Tehran , particularly as Iraq underlined its position with another offensive just after Iran 's accepting the principle of a cease-fire .
10 On Jan. 25 Belgium announced that it was likely to withdraw its 25,000 troops based in West Germany and underlined its opposition to any further increase in NATO 's defence budget .
11 THE National Institute of Economic and Social Research , a leading economic think-tank , has added its voice to those urging the Chancellor , Norman Lamont , not to raise taxes in his March Budget .
12 Exercise is , in fact , well provided for , with an indoor swimming pool , a gymnasium , a sports area for football ( with teams from outside the prison involved in both football and weightlifting ) , and like most long-term prisons , Maidstone has its share of those who keep fanatically fit .
13 The ITC has its reasons for such mealy-mouthedness .
14 I guess the good news has its drawback for some men .
15 The individual pattern or blueprint for form and growth has its origin at this source , and via universal Manas or Mind , is radiated by the universal field when the frequency pattern of an embryo or seed at the physical level attracts that sympathetic vibration , and when the conditions for its manifestations are conducive ; in terms of physics , when a state of coherence exists .
16 This strategy has its limitations in that polluters with strong market power could simply pay the charges and pass them on to consumers .
17 A media melting-pot , his every utterance , nuance and action has its genesis in some — usually Seventies-era — movie , TV show , commercial or record .
18 It 's quite a common event in , and it can be two types , it can be either fixed or flexible , if it 's fixed it means the foot is in a position that you ca n't move out of if it 's flexible it means that the baby has its foot like that but you can actually rotate it
19 This recognition of the " blurred roles " of teachers and librarians , and of the importance of providing opportunities for those who wish to gain an understanding of and professional accreditation in both professions , has long been the case at school level in the USA , where school librarians are generally required to have a proportion of undergraduate and graduate credits in both disciplines ( the regulations vary from state to state ) , and the education system has long been flexible enough to meet the need without the provision of special courses ( though this has its disadvantage in that some students may therefore miss the opportunity to make direct cross-disciplinary comparisons under academic supervision ) .
20 That metronidazole has its effect at this late stage of NSAID enteropathy is further supported by the findings that small intestinal permeability is not significantly affected by the treatment .
21 Either way , said Colin , the areas that LASMO has its eye on all have the potential to bring further success and prosperity to the company .
22 One country has its eye on another .
23 And if African destitution has its roots in this shameful period of depopulation , so too does what was to become a family 's main defense against the poverty enforced on those left to fend for themselves without the strong young bodies they had counted on .
24 Famlio also has its tentacles around many legitimate businesses , including large chinks of the galacvid — which , as Mala lies to say , has the same effect as bliss but takes longer .
25 Britain has its finger in most space astronomy pies : it is a participant in all ESA projects ( including the Space Telescope ) , and a minor partner in IUE , IRAS , Rosat and the Japanese Astro-C .
26 Although the heredity principle still has its proponents in some quarters , few would admit that it could any longer be defended .
27 ‘ An Army training has its uses after all . ’
28 Meantime , through a successful series of acquisitions , it now has its hands on several key technologies , enabling it to interface with a broad spectrum of systems .
29 However , despite its diminutive size , it is well able to fend for itself in a mixed community tank , protecting its territory against all comers , even if they happen to be twice its size .
30 The rhetorical question was asked : ‘ How could a TANU government , a government elected by the people which drew its power from those people , act against the people 's interests ? ’
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