Example sentences of "[verb] only by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Yachts wishing to use the canal are limited only by a maximum mast height of 80ft ( 24.5m ) .
2 San Vincenzo is a lovely resort of clear soft sands interrupted only by a few emerging reefs .
3 She obeyed , shivering , for the basement was heated only by a miserly , inefficient little oil stove .
4 arguments , all of which can be developed only by a long mental soak in the subject .
5 If we claim our interest is to focus on the writing produced only by a sophisticated elite , and that we determine the best literature is that which , in terms of generic structure , subject , and eloquent rhetoric , concerns itself with the preoccupations of males who have a high social and political standing , then the traditional canon will serve the majority of our needs .
6 The last US military personnel based in the Philippines were withdrawn on Nov. 24 , thereby ending a presence which had existed since 1898 ( broken only by a three-year period of Japanese occupation during the Pacific War ) .
7 The dead silence was broken only by a regular drip , drip , drip .
8 At the end of a busy day , broken only by a brief snack lunch with Mike Freeman 's secretary , Kate , Merrill was tired .
9 For several hours they appeared to make little progress ; they were traversing a barren region of fine sand and yellowish clay , broken only by a few stunted , prickly bushes .
10 After many years of almost continuous work , broken only by a short honeymoon in 1833 , Gooch 's health failed and he was taken ill in 1847 at his London office .
11 Quoting Godard — ‘ fin du cinéma , fin du monde ’ — she joins with Robert Coover in describing the modern cinema as ‘ a rat-haunted , urine-scented wreck , inhabited only by a lonely projectionist screening reels at random for his solitary pleasure ’ .
12 This assumption can be made explicit by making literal use of an " existence predicate " , and sometimes any residual doubts about what is assumed on a particular occasion can be resolved only by a repeated and emphatic use of such predicates ; but , as is clear from what has been said so far , the use of such predicates is not analogous to acts of property ascription , especially if " properties " are understood in the sense of " accidental properties " .
13 It might possibly be occupied only by a raddled ancient , of no threat .
14 I justify this departure from intention by advancing a theory that Skye was obviously once a part of the mainland : a study of the map confirms that it is separated only by a narrow channel , Kyle Rhea , the configuration of the shores on either side matching as though torn apart in ages past .
15 One consequence of augmenting the focus registers as in SPAR is that it becomes more common for candidates to be separated only by a weak focusing preference .
16 The new Marxist government was saved only by a Cuban expeditionary force of at least 20,000 men , with logistical back-up from the Soviet Union .
17 Of miraculously complicated organisms so small that they can be seen only by a privileged élite , through microscopes costing several thousand pounds ?
18 His round of 70 was marred only by a double bogey at the twelfth and a bogey at the thirteenth .
19 This altogether much safer-feeling arrangement is marred only by a transitory , tip-toe uncertainly as the car turns into faster corners .
20 It could be transformed only by a Western victory in a Third World War or by a voluntary Soviet withdrawal .
21 Capturing the operational persona of an early machine on a later machine promises possibilities for open-ended analysis of the kind formerly offered only by a working original .
22 ( There is another argument , nowadays timidly advanced only by a few academics of the old hair-shirt tendency , that the white man has fixed the game , making it almost impossible for the others to get in . )
23 The interior of the bus was lit only by a small torch made to look like an old lamp , the type you see in Westerns , and from what I could see I was glad there was no more light .
24 A century ago , later life was a privilege reached only by a fortunate minority : average life expectancy was under fifty years .
25 It was flanked by two towers and its entrance was reached only by a narrow stairway , but by no stretch of the imagination could it be called a fortress .
26 As Attridge shows this means that poetry claiming to be perfecting the natural ( acting according to decorum ) establishes its claim to do so by using a rhetoric which is employed only by a learned few whose language is distanced from the natural language of the majority .
27 It is obvious that if the present decision is undisturbed attention must be paid to the quite new arrangements prescribed by section 19(3) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 which provides , so far as is relevant , that any jurisdiction of the High Court shall be exercised only by a single judge of that court , except in so far as it is , by or by virtue of rules of court or any other statutory provision , required to be exercised by a divisional court .
28 Her dark , grey-streaked hair , which she wore in a long bob , had been cut by Vidal Sassoon and she wore a beautifully tailored black suit relieved only by a little white flounce at the neckline .
29 They passed through a room furnished only by a great oak table and two benches .
30 In many cases there is a hefty bank and ditch marking the village boundary , but in others this may be marked only by a slight change in level or by the continuous line of the rear of the platforms .
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