Example sentences of "[verb] only [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This division is intended only to simplify the analysis and should not be taken to imply that the aggregate level of unemployment in a country can readily be divided into completely separate and distinguishable categories .
2 Jezrael tried only to skim the surface of her thoughts .
3 Their use ( down to say , D ) is recommended only to complete the contour of a phrase which would otherwise lose its shape .
4 The commander explained to the Dictator that the ship had come only to ensure the safety of British subjects and not to interfere in the situation in Madeira .
5 To determine to which technical level an element belongs , one needs only to count the number of nodes downwards from the origin ( each element constitutes a node ) : the unique first element constitutes level 1 , all elements one node removed from the origin constitute level 2 , all elements two nodes removed constitute level 3 , and so on ( in a non-branching hierarchy , there is only one element at each level ) :
6 Nursery schools , however , were generally supported because they were designed only to promote the health and education of children ; their limited opening hours did not permit mothers to work .
7 Additionally the workload in any patient area is distributed unevenly throughout the day and in any case the patient 's day should not be designed only to suit the availability of the staff .
8 One has only to substitute the name of Jesus for ‘ love ’ in that chapter to see that the whole thing is a pen picture of Christ 's way of life .
9 ‘ If Kenny Dalglish wants Roy Keane he has only to dial the club , ’ he added .
10 Specifically , it is to query the new received wisdom , that the alternative party to the Conservatives in British politics has only to take the consumerist road , and present itself as the protector of the individual against Big Business and Big Government .
11 Much more will be said of the houses of the poor in chapter 3 , but the basic contrast can be readily tested — one has only to compare the range of interiors in the novels of Richardson or Jane Austen with the range in almost any one of Dickens 's novels .
12 Iago 's manipulation of the verbal sign was never more brilliant , for he has only to offer the Signifier , ‘ Lie ’ — which could mean ‘ tell an untruth ’ — for Othello to snatch the Signified , ‘ lie with ’ , which has been planted in his consciousness so remorselessly .
13 One has only to read the correspondence of F.J. Osborn with Lewis Mumford over these years ( Hughes , 1971 ) to appreciate the single-minded zeal that could be generated for the attainment of the new Jerusalem .
14 One has only to read the letter of Robert Scott Macfie , a middle-aged company chairman with degrees from Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities , who stayed in the ranks as a senior NCO , when he wrote of an action on the Somme in 1916 : ‘ The want of preparation , the vague orders , the ignorance of the objective and geography , the absurd haste and in general , the horrid bungling were scandalous . ’
15 The options are provided in the menu : the user has only to select the option required by pressing the appropriate key ( following the question mark ) .
16 The only way in now was through the computer palm-recognition slab , and that was programmed only to reverse the lock-down upon the authority of executive-level Holderness-Manolo personnel .
17 But other types of museum found the provisions disposing only to enhance the institution 's collections or mission unduly restrictive , and an open debate was scheduled to review the Code of Ethics .
18 ‘ Dana should be ready now ; I 'll tell her you 're waiting , ’ she said , wanting only to gain the privacy of her room , where she could release the tears that were threatening .
19 Reluctantly , the great golden beast left his excavation and pushed back through the reeds — pausing only to shake the dirt from his coat .
20 This is where the fun begins , because you can whip round getting various instant readings from a number of different tanks , pausing only to rinse the unit in tapwater or distilled between tests .
21 But He hummed a little tune , cheery as a plague pit , and — pausing only to extract the life from a passing mayfly , and one-ninth of the lives from a cat cowering under the fish stall ( all cats can see into the octarine ) — Death turned on His heel and set off towards the Broken Drum .
22 However rhetorically brilliant , the critique which Adorno and Horkheimer in Dialectic of Enlightenment offer is ultimately a totalizing discourse in which the dialectic struggles and twists against itself , serving only to tighten the knot which binds it .
23 This was made explicit in his letter through a particularly unpleasant charge , that a top appointment at Stewart 's Melville was made only to protect the school from the impending action by himself .
24 In England , also , complaints of the difficulty of finding capable diplomats can be heard until far into the eighteenth century ; and many agreed to serve only to put the government under a moral obligation to find some acceptable post for them at home on their return .
25 Washington had previously stated that the 12,000 American troops in Panama would be used only to defend the Canal and themselves .
26 Ateliers et Chantiers de Bretagne hopes Trax will not , however , be used only to ease the lot of weary car , rail and subway passengers .
27 During the last war these bells were silent on government orders to be used only to warn the village of a German invasion .
28 Middle class observers often complained that the parlour remained a showpiece in the respectable working class home , used only to house the piano and the aspidistra .
29 Bedford ..... 6 Wasps ...... 57 BEDFORD have now conceded 117 points in their last two matches and this latest reversal served only to illustrate the plight of a club who a few months ago were celebrating their arrival in the Courage First Division .
30 But if their frankly messy performance at the last Heavenly bash in December served only to illustrate the gulf that now exists between gamely played ‘ real ’ instruments and the lush sheen afforded the high tech brigade , then tonight their strengths were all their own .
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