Example sentences of "[verb] only [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would be dry and acid , revealed only to a chosen few .
2 By the same token , back payments of income support were to be limited only to a three-year period starting in April 1988 .
3 Although the obligation to provide instruction about maintenance is to be limited only to the first occupier , it is likely that subsequent purchasers will require the information to be passed on every time the property is sold .
4 Yachts wishing to use the canal are limited only by a maximum mast height of 80ft ( 24.5m ) .
5 By permutations of these various incidents the number of possible classes is limited only by the total number of shares .
6 Since the Crown Court is a superior court , its power to punish is limited only by the maximum penalty set for the offence by an Act of Parliament .
7 The practical accuracy of this result , which is central to the determination of the fine structure , constant , is believed to be limited only by the residual dissipative current due to hopping through localised states .
8 A cheese resembling Camembert was the glory of Cottenham in Cambridgeshire , where records for cheese making go back to as early as 1280 ; and production ceased only in the mid-nineteenth century with the enclosure of the common fen .
9 He permanently secretes a thick , transparent mucus about this body , which is clad only in an ancient blue-black robe .
10 Many people will not realise that there is a property element built in and that they qualify only for the 25 per cent .
11 The stockmarket has in effect been closed to new equity issues for three years , and banks will lend only to the safest borrowers .
12 San Vincenzo is a lovely resort of clear soft sands interrupted only by a few emerging reefs .
13 It was very quiet that evening , the steady rhythm of the ship 's engines interrupted only by the occasional guttural cry *om the deck above .
14 Having just secured world rights for her first book , she 's leading a life of food and snooze ; interrupted only by the occasional television interview .
15 I was able to breathe only with the utmost difficulty , and my arm hurt like hell .
16 To expect a full grammatical statement of BSL after a research history which can be traced only to the mid-70s , would have been optimistic in the extreme .
17 It might be that your ambitions are seriously flawed and you are preaching only to the converted .
18 They must be taught through benevolence and sympathy ; when the necessity arises shame may be used , but fear only in the last extremity , and then ‘ with such delicacy that if possible the habit may not gather strength by the use you are constrained to make of it ’ .
19 She obeyed , shivering , for the basement was heated only by a miserly , inefficient little oil stove .
20 Thus , if : attribute Al , = single boundary touching only with a second domain , and attribute A2 = solid in domain space .
21 If we concentrate only on the mythological representations and personifications of evil , we too easily relegate the Devil to our private worlds of personal torments and individual temptations .
22 some proteins are exposed only to the interior surface of the cell .
23 some proteins are exposed only to the exterior surface of the cell .
24 Parliamentary sovereignty was felt to be compatible with the rule of law primarily because ‘ the commands of Parliament … can be uttered only through the combined actions of its three constituent parts ’ and that , ‘ unlike a sovereign monarch who is not only a legislator but a ruler , that is , head of the executive government , has never hitherto been able to use the powers of the government as a means of interfering with the regular course of law ’ .
25 The call is uttered only by the male cuckoo , who arrives slightly before the female , and begins to call as soon as he reaches the breeding grounds .
26 Any compilation is going to be a shallow thing redeemed only by the actual songs on it .
27 It is ‘ the men ’ who act as a body , and the actual organizer is recognized only as the symbolic embodiment of ‘ the men ’ , and is in no way superior or qualitatively different from ‘ the men ’ ‘
28 I would argue , however , that love-making ought not to be treated as drawing only on the irrational side of a person 's nature .
29 Michael Ramsey qualified only under the first of those epithets .
30 The products of the Dorset potters were probably intended only for the auxiliary forts , as the evidence from Waddon Hill and Nanstallon ( Fox and Ravenhill , 1972 ) suggests .
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