Example sentences of "[verb] only [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In his Beverly Hills suit and hand-painted 1950s tie , Kaufman looked like a divorce lawyer in ‘ LA Law ’ ; his presence at the Tory Party 's autumn festival could be explained only by the need to earn a crust ; he had been invited by the BBC , no doubt , to comment on the proceedings .
2 By contrast , in the Rose Theatre case the judge seems to have been influenced to deny standing partly by the fact that the Trust had been formed only for the purpose of campaigning for the preservation of the remains of the theatre ; whereas the same judge in another case accorded standing to challenge a grant of planning permission to a representative of a snake-preservation society which had been active on the site in question for many years and had ‘ put money into it ’ .
3 Modulation to keys on the flat side is usually limited only to the subdominant , so that a chord progression something like the following is used :
4 Note that , if the key that has been requested is not present on the file , the unsuccessful search length is potentially limited only by the size of the file .
5 It does rather sound as though DTP is where you 're heading , and your choices are limited only by the memory in your machine and your budget — in that order .
6 An open question invites a ‘ free ’ answer , recorded in full with the detail limited only by the space on the form .
7 The kinds of worlds that can be created are limited only by the multimedia software designed to generate them and the computer processing power available to bring them to life .
8 Normal free-sparring in the training hall is limited only by the number of people there , so you can pick up bad competition habits through using space uneconomically .
9 Officials describe the exodus as ‘ quota-driven ’ , meaning that numbers are limited only by the number of places made available in resettlement countries .
10 The clinical usefulness of the polymerase chain reaction thus seems to be limited only by the power of our imagination in identifying specific targets .
11 Most people use their own bodyweight as a stretching aid , with the number of different ways to stretch being limited only by the imagination .
12 The creative element in such notes is limited only by the imagination of you , the user .
13 The survey — ‘ mapping the universe ’ — which Geller and Huchra began a few years ago is not yet complete but they have seen enough to conclude that ‘ the size of the largest structures we detect is limited only by the extent of the survey ’ .
14 Fighting ceased only with the advent of darkness — but the respite was to be brief .
15 He says : ‘ Tinnitus ( Latin for ringing ) is the name given to the subjective ( heard only by the person concerned ) experience of hearing sounds in the ear or head which have no basis of reality in the environment , that is to say , the sound can not be accounted for by vibrations coming from objects external to the patient . ’
16 All creatures communicate only in the manner to which they are instinctively and inwardly programmed .
17 Some such unfortunates ultimately abandoned the East Indiamen for a place in the pilot service in India , after they had acquired sufficient influence with important passengers to secure such an appointment , while others might take a place as an officer of one of the so-called country ships , which operated only in the East and did not return to Europe .
18 Man 's cultural development can arise only at the cost of a persisting lack of satisfaction of those sexual impulses which are seen as improper by men and women — the higher the degree of civilization and education , the greater the number of unsatisfied impulses .
19 Either may arise only after the performance or occurrence of some particular acts .
20 According to Merleau-Ponty , Western academic Marxism , starting with Lukács , amounted only to the production of ‘ ideas without historical equivalents ’ ( 204 ) .
21 Two respondents indicated that all ordinands in their college have their singing voices assessed during their training , and then receive instruction as necessary , Others offer training in singing only at the request of the ordinand , or the tutor or parish placement supervisor .
22 The information received typically referred only to the riot 's location , and not specific incidents .
23 Clearly in that case any statements about the services at the hotel can relate only to the future .
24 The statements could relate to past facts ( i. e. they could mean that those services were provided last season ) or they could relate only to the future ( i.e. that they will be provided next season ) .
25 The Music dictionary contributes only to the recognition of Music text .
26 The ceramic and soil contain minute quantities of uranium , thorium and potassium which are radioactive , and when these decay they produce alpha , beta and gamma radiation ( potassium contributes only to the beta and gamma components ) .
27 What I am suggesting is that I think if you if you concentrate only on the question of who are the chief officers that 's very important and that 's very indicative , but it 's not the whole story .
28 As such it is difficult to do more than introduce some issues and concentrate only on the subset of issues that have figured most prominently in the public finance sub-discipline .
29 If he was to become the Asian Superman of Nietzsche 's teachings , he must cast aside all thought of pleasure and sensual gratification and concentrate only on the task before him !
30 He did not believe that a long period of purdah was necessary , and the general rule that such a record could not be published until thirty years after the event was indeed ridiculous , since it has been honoured only in the breach .
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