Example sentences of "[verb] them [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Immigration and Nationality Department of the Home Office has asked through the Scottish Education Department that we write to all governing bodies in Scotland reminding them of the difficulties created by urgent requests for naturalisation shortly before international sporting events .
2 He preferred outwork : " In a factory you confine them to the hours the master pleases , in the cottage they work very often 15 or 16 hours . "
3 And Goldberg , in his pad : I have never said or written any of the sentiments attributed to me here , though I have heard them from the mouths and read them from the pens of others .
4 She says we do n't want to destroy children 's innocence on the other hand we want to alert them to the dangers .
5 Do n't throw them at the windows .
6 ‘ They wanted to see them off the streets . ’
7 I would like to see them for the Falls .
8 to see them at the Dinosaurs Alive and then they went to the museum .
9 The woodmen never broke up those temporary dwellings which they built to see them through the weekdays of the felling season .
10 It seemed that all the intelligence had gone to Constance , leaving her brothers with only wariness and guile to see them through the vicissitudes of life , although , Scarlet had to admit , they could be surprisingly kind .
11 We do n't get to see them in the states so we have to come over here .
12 The King was much intrigued to see them in the Dolls ' House and enquired who gave her permission .
13 Others lay them in the stems , in the roots or in buds .
14 There is nothing essentially new in thus narrowing the scope of will ; most of mankind throughout most of its history seems to have taken it for granted that they were moved by forces from beyond them and mysterious to them , which might lift them above or drag them below the capacities of which they might presume to be in command ( in Christian theology , the unpredictable visitations of divine grace assisting a will otherwise impotent to resist the Devil ) , and in the present century , ever since Freud demonstrated that the same conception of man could be translated from a religious into a psychological language , we have found ourselves thinking our way back to it .
15 ‘ Third Term ’ ( Deltic ) Re-released as a 12-inch , with the added bonus of a stunning acoustic version of ‘ The Newshound ’ ( an acute portrayal of the scum that litter the daily tabloids ) — and rightly so , because quite frankly this puts 90 per cent of single released this year into the shade and kicks them in the teeth to boot .
16 ‘ Third Term ’ ( Deltic ) Re-released as a 12-inch , with the added bonus of a stunning acoustic version of ‘ The Newshound ’ ( an acute portrayal of the scum that litter the daily tabloids ) — and rightly so , because quite frankly this puts 90 per cent of single released this year into the shade and kicks them in the teeth to boot .
17 He once caught a pigeon , but it was mostly sparrows so small that , when he laid them on the embers to cook , they were ready by the time the feathers had singed and were hardly worth even sharing , except with the twins who insisted .
18 A human chain of soldiers , castle employees and members of the royal family carried out paintings , carpets , furniture , Sevres vases , books and drawings and laid them on the lawns before being transported by convoys of lorries .
19 ‘ You 're gon na gang bang them in the drive-ins , Harry .
20 And er I remembering Dad , once he bought a cherry tree , and went up to get all these here cherries off the trees , and when we got them we used to wipe them and put them in a bag , and sell them at the fairs .
21 Sell them to the knackers yard .
22 Thousands of years ago , horses were grazing dinners for the carnivores which stalked them through the grasslands , and the horses which survived were the fittest , fastest , strongest , and most alert .
23 He met them at the gates of the airfield ( still a debris of contractors ' equipment surrounded by barbed wire ) and informed them gravely that if they entered — no difficult matter — they would be breaking the law .
24 Who met them on the beaches ?
25 Others we chatted with when we met them around the grounds , and some became temporary friends who asked us in for coffee or drinks , invitations which we pleasurably returned .
26 At a launch party , at Heaven , he took two platefuls of celebratory cake and , with a gesture of proprietorial confidence that Rupert Murdoch or Robert Maxwell would have been hard put to match , flung them in the faces of his two editors .
27 If exceptions , such as ‘ I promise to tell the truth ’ , occur to us , we can treat them as the exceptions that prove the rule .
28 During their hearings , the prosecution had made no reference of any kind to suggest that the authorities had information to connect them with the murders or the alleged meeting to plan it .
29 It is perhaps not inappropriate to compare them to the astronauts in our own day : they had broken into an uncharted region , blazed a new trail to God and to the depths of the self and had returned to earth like the heroes of antiquity , bringing news of a hitherto unimaginable realm which gave an entirely new perspective on the human condition .
30 not to let them get out of the pov that 's what I 'm saying , it suits them because they can buy up property much cheaper than if that two hundred pounds a week that 's being spent on bed and breakfast , that , they were spent on helping them with the problems as they are at the moment .
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