Example sentences of "[verb] them [adj] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Most enterprise-based unions remain fairly self-contained and although many do affiliate to the appropriate national , regional or industrial federations they accord them little authority for conducting collective bargaining or sanctioning agreements .
2 These viruses have received most attention because their high pathogenicity , narrow host range , and complete safety to vertebrates and plants , make them ideal candidates for biological pest control agents .
3 Bantamweight Karen Briggs , featherweight Sharon Rendle and light-middleweight Diane Bell all won on Saturday with performances that make them odds-on favourites for medals in Barcelona .
4 The new law of prohibition of alcohol afforded them marvellous matter for the pleading of the liberty of men and women against the tyranny of majorities , and they sang or preached several eloquent perorations in praise of freedom .
5 Can we expect individuals to enjoy equal rights and participation in their social lives and yet work under an authoritarian structure at the workplace that gives them little responsibility and allows them little scope for participation ?
6 Such left-wing gaucherie has made them easy meat for a largely right-wing press anxious to show that extreme political dogma is a left-wing monopoly and determined to deny the left the social concern and humanity that lies behind some of the left-wing philosophy .
7 Indeed , for the local authorities ( many of whom were angry that the Government were treating nationalisation merely as a book-keeping transaction within the public sector and thus paying them little compensation for the takeover ) , the maintenance of uneconomically low prices was one way of getting their own back for the local ratepayers ( who were also usually electricity consumers ) .
8 It does n't take in the fact that you 're actually paying them double time for overtime .
9 Give them hinged lids for storage and add soft pads covered with fabric for comfortable seating .
10 Lineker and Paul Gascoigne have both been in touch with Spurs to wish them good luck for the new season .
11 You should ask them both questions on the card , that way we 've got a better chance of getting them bloody card for yourself in n it ?
12 This was an amazing competition and everybody enjoyed it so much Mike has promised to give them Reliant Robins for their next company cars .
13 MORE than 1,000 Maxwell pensioners and print workers yesterday staged a rally and lobby of Parliament to step up their campaign for Government action to give them long-term security for their pensions .
14 To grant these rights and judicial privileges to corporations ( and other organizations ) is simply to give them additional resources for a judicial battle in which many , particularly the transnationals , are already more than a fair match for national state regulatory agencies .
15 From the beginning , Lewis was a conscientious tutor who tried to keep the balance right between amiability or conviviality ( not always possible between incompatible types ) and his duty to the pupils to give them sufficient preparation for their examinations .
16 The package , called Hippix and developed at the university 's Center for Software Science , includes Unix commands and libraries that Hippo maintains will let Unix users cost-effectively integrate PCs into their Unix networks by giving them identical tools for both platforms .
17 I wished I 'd known he were going , he could have swapped them Milky Ways for me !
18 If they were landowners , they had insufficient capital , if they were tenants the local practice of yearly verbal agreements with landlords offered them little security for a return on any considerable investment .
19 I wished you 'd know , you could have took them Milky Way for
20 I thought them extraordinary Performances for a Girl of her Age , and one that had so little Advantage ( or rather none at all ) either from Books or Conversation : But my bad State of Health prevented me from making any further Enquiry concerning this young Genius , till about fourteen Months before her Death , when I was first inform 'd she had wrote a Tragedy .
21 Attitudes could be elicited aplenty and could , contra the views of many of the early survey researchers who thought them unlikely material for social research in being basically subjective opinions , provide valuable data if suitably measured .
22 Catfish tend to stay stationary for long periods making them ideal subjects for photography .
23 A year later , and Nirvana will headline the 1992 Reading Festival , their staggering rise , post-Reading '91 , making them obvious contenders for the prestigious Sunday night slot .
24 Er careful , you gon na save them other Buttons for at home tomorrow ?
25 Opposition Sajudis members objected , without effect , to the timing of the election on the grounds that it gave them inadequate time for preparation .
26 That , however , is to ignore the efforts of several bishops over many years to secure some lasting settlement between a wilful king and his resentful subjects ; the lateness of their conversion to deposition — under duress or in despair — is rather to their credit than otherwise ; as for the fiercest episcopal opponents of the king , their experience gave them good grounds for believing that the church 's liberties would be better protected under another king .
27 Eliza 's priorities were as a mother , and if Gould had some sympathy with this , it gave them little ground for compromise .
28 We gave them full marks for originality .
29 She told some of the other mothers he 'd died , but she was n't a good liar , and she gave them different reasons for his death .
30 Also , a few leeds fans who noticed some rangers fans in the crowd , actually wished them good luck for the rest of the competition .
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