Example sentences of "[verb] them [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I met them at the same time , ’ Tim recalls .
2 This is not , in fact , a problem , since LIFESPAN provides the tools for creating other DCs as the need arises and attaching them to the same package .
3 That 's that 's the way we do fractions that 's the way you do adding up fractions or taking away fractions you change them to the same .
4 Well we usually change them into the same thing do n't we if we 're going to add them .
5 This involves them in the same difficulties as those faced , or evaded , by psychologists .
6 The carrier would have agreed to carry them for the same price at the carrier 's risk .
7 I sold them for the same price that I had paid myself .
8 Similarly , just as when expectations of inflation were zero actual inflation of 5 per cent might sufficiently fool workers to generate an unemployment rate of 3 per cent , now , if expectations of inflation are 5 per cent , actual inflation would need to be 10 per cent to fool them by the same amount as before and hence generate the same unemployment rate of 3 per cent .
9 Crosland had realized ‘ the impossibility , as he saw it , of a Labour Secretary of State taking institutions from urban local education authorities which were predominantly controlled by Labour , and bringing them under the same regime as the universities ’ .
10 you probably got them from the same place .
11 Within months , some clients had in excess of 25 dealers contacting them from the same firm ; many were also being contacted from other licensed dealers .
12 Linguists belonging to the Prague School by and large conflate the two structures and combine them in the same description .
13 He withdrew all charges against them and immediately re-charged them with the same ones .
14 This makes them rather like Health Maintenance Organisations ( HMOs ) in the United States , which receive a fixed annual sum of money to provide health care for enrolled patients ; the system subjects them to the same financial incentives and may lead to the same adverse effects .
15 Although the list includes characters who could never have met in reality you can include them in the same army if you wish to do so .
16 erm as regards correlating things together and bunging them into the same factor analysis model and stuff like that er even if the questions are a bit different I think you can still do that legitimately because it 's still sort of expressing the strength of opinion on some sort of scale erm so I do n't see that that 'll er interfere with the ambitions you 've got as regards the data erm so er
17 The devil had booked them into the same room .
18 Most countries organize censuses of their population on something like ten-yearly intervals , but not all do , and they certainly do not do them at the same point in time .
19 I used to wear jeans and jackets and shirts but my parents burned them on the same day my dad beat me up , and after that I had to wear saris .
20 If they are predominantly female , and 83 per cent of part-timers are , the equal pay legislation may entitle them to the same benefits and conditions as their full-time colleagues .
21 Certainly , these designs were employed for a period of at least forty years , and their designers might not always have seen them in the same light .
22 If you want two matches to be satisfied simultaneously you put them on the same row in the criteria range .
23 ‘ She collected all the patients ' false teeth last night — and put them into the same bowl !
24 Vasquez argues that the work carried out by Behaviouralists was based on three central assumptions of Realism , which together put them in the same broad camp .
25 Cover the tubes with muslin , held in place by two rubber bands , and put them in the same warm place as the stocks .
26 Hold them at the same height above the ground and let go of them both at the same moment .
27 Now they will be scared rigid of stepping up and saying anything which could land them on the same mat upon which Lamb was so unfairly punished at Lord 's yesterday .
28 They do n't er , you ca n't see them in the same way you could go and see your parents .
29 Nevertheless , he was retained and the secretary was instructed to write to the parish officers informing them of the same ; they were told to pay the subscription within a few days otherwise Spies would be discharged from the infirmary .
30 If there are criticisms then I accept them with the same magnanimity which Martin claims I do not possess .
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