Example sentences of "[verb] been [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Even the soldiers in the field must 've been thoroughly sick of all those whining pieces about Our Boys and Girls , and their mail , or the endlessly recycled nonsense about how hard it was to be a female soldier in Saudi Arabia .
2 Everybody says , ‘ Oh , you won £44,000 in the world championships , you must 've been really pleased with that , ’ but it 's not just the money , it 's being able to pick up the trophy at the end — that 's the nice thing .
3 so they must 've been fairly sure of their support to allow them to come into an area of villages .
4 There must 've been with erm in forty seven was it the encirclement campaign where they allowed the nationalists to sort of drive through the , I do n't know the defences , they must 've been fairly certain of their support in certain areas by then .
5 Strangely , nobody said anything , but the culprit has been notably absent from subsequent holidays .
6 I say minimal both because it is rather modest , in contrast say to Jakobson 's , and because it seems to present a demand that it should be very difficult for modern literary studies to deny : that in describing the language of literary texts a degree of rigour is required such as has been notably absent from the work of a great many critics .
7 For a man who was leading the campaign for sanctions against South Africa , when that was still a hopeless liberal cause , he has been notably diffident about such things as collective punishment and detention without trial in the Israeli-occupied territories .
8 This has been partly due to the new and attractive packages offered to depositors , and partly due to the increase in competition in the sector since the interest rate cartel was ended a few years ago .
9 The toxicity of some drugs has brought the status of the pharmaceutical industry to its lowest ebb yet , and has been partly responsible for a virtual stampede away from chemists towards health shops .
10 This seems to be the maxim of those who use the library and information service which has been even busier in the last session .
11 Ronny replaces Swindon-striker Fjortoft for the game tonight — Ronny must have done well in the training sessions ( coach Olsen really put some value on how the players perform in training before the games ) and Fjortoft which has been even worse for Swindon than Deano for us might have a hard time to get the attacker place back ( Fjortoft 0 — Deano 3 — Cole 10 is n't it ? ) .
12 11 , everything happening in the present case has been no more than one stage in a continuing contest between the prosecutor and the applicant in a matter which from the outset has been exclusively criminal in nature .
13 BILL CLINTON has been painfully slow with most appointments , but he has moved faster than George Bush did in 1989 to find a chairman for the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) .
14 Britain has been notoriously ineffective in dealing with offences like financial fraud , market manipulation and insider dealing .
15 Tom Polacheck , of the US NMFS , who has been closely involved with the harbour porpoise entanglement problem , believes that the incidental taking of harbour porpoise is an example of the problems that face both the marine scientist and society , in that both marine animals and commercial fisheries are highly valued and represent issues of concern to various segments of society .
16 Andrew Clark of the Derby and Derbyshire Chamber of Commerce ( which has been closely involved with the Toyota deal ) said that the UK was attractive because of ‘ the corporate climate brought about by this Government .
17 Open Forum is to be a conference-led event with both technical and business streams , designed to lead up to 1993 and the establishment of the single European market — and the Commission of the European Communities has been closely involved in its organisation , says Borkovsky , promising more details in the future .
18 In recent years Applied Linguistics at Edinburgh has been closely involved in the organisation of international seminars and conferences .
19 As manager , Assessment Operations , Mike has been closely involved in establishing the detail of the model and in the methods of scoring and assessing applications .
20 The Romanian leader 's brother , Lieutenant General Ilie Ceausescu , a deputy defence minister and head of political administration for the armed forces , has been closely concerned with the presentation of the historical case and has unhesitatingly attacked the Hungarians in several articles published in the Romanian press .
21 Other authors have suggested that it has been the process of secularisation which has been most central in giving rise to moral protest groups .
22 It must also be said of Poland that its society has been most resistant to Communist influence and , that of all East European countries , the gap between the state and its society has been greatest The LWP has not gone out of its way to act as the arbiter of events ; rather , it has had this role thrust upon it by Party factionalism and weakness .
23 The Commission has been most helpful in authorizing Commissioners — or more usually senior officials — to travel from Brussels to give oral evidence in public .
24 However , the organization of rural workers has been crucial to the formation of the Salvadorean opposition movement and political repression has been most savage in the countryside .
25 Campion has been most industrious in routing out items in the archives of radio stations .
26 But so far , this type of biological control has been most successful in China , where plentiful labour is available for intensive rearing of natural enemies .
27 Erin talks about the joy the mindless child brings her — well , so it may , but her love for it has been most destructive for others .
28 Her repertoire includes lieder and oratorios , though she has been most active as an opera singer .
29 The first sign of the present pattern of occurrence is detectable as early as the winter of 1953/54 , but an increase has been most marked since the winter of 1961/62 .
30 This assumption has been most conspicuous in the context of experiments comparing manual response times with vocal reaction time .
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