Example sentences of "[verb] been [verb] with great " in BNC.

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1 The Committee itself concluded ‘ that the overall technical standard of the operation has been high , both in the sense that the signal itself has been generated with great skill and proficiency and that the practical and logistical problems associated with presence of televising personnel and equipment have been kept to a minimum ’ .
2 Calor 's continuing sponsorship of the Nationals , which involves over 400 teams in five divisions , has been rewarded with great enthusiasm and some staggering catches .
3 In particular the branch of geometry which studies any smooth curved surface , which is known as differential geometry , has been applied with great success and has produced both new insights into correct statistical theory and has also produced many important new results .
4 The transformation has been achieved with great taste and a total respect for the original character of the buildings .
5 Our teachers have mastered its methods with ease and it has been met with great success , interest and enthusiasm by our students .
6 For NDT Systems , the UTEA-1 represents the first in-house designed and manufactured ultrasonic products , which has been met with great enthusiasm .
7 And the news has been met with great excitement by scientists in Liverpool who say their colleagues ' work could provide the missing pieces in the puzzle .
8 " … a guide for the medical practitioners of both tropical and temperate regions to the origins and diagnosis of infections that are tropical as opposed to being cosmopolitan , and of great value for training and teaching because it reproduces much better and more comprehensively than is possible with ordinary textbooks the appearance of specimens that will be examined … has been prepared with great care and deserves to remain one of the standard texts in the subject for many years . "
9 This is partly related to political values ; traditionally , organised voluntary activity has been viewed with greater favour by those on the political right , although in fact , unobtrusively , voluntary organisations have received much support by the old-style left .
10 It is this project which has been pursued with great tenacity by Nicos Poulantzas , who has applied Althusser 's general theory to a specific case .
11 They would have read about these things happening , but now it has come to their own door it has been greeted with great sadness . ’
12 Charlotte Keatley 's My Mother Said ] Never Should has been greeted with great acclaim by the male critical establishment who appear unable to apply their usual standards to the work of a young woman .
13 The Duke of Wellington , returning from his triumphs , could not have been greeted with greater celebration than was Van Cliburn after he won the Tchaikovsky piano competition in Moscow in 1954 .
14 The news that Don Peters was being replaced had been received with great disappointment and alarm throughout the Midlands by management , unions and employees alike .
15 When her body was discovered on waste ground in Hertfordshire her neck had been crushed with great force .
16 Alexei was under a tree with Kadan and his father , and on a carpet which had been spread with great care on a level piece of grass sat Jehana , ignoring everyone .
17 His 1932 work had been greeted with great interest and in 1958 he rightly decided that the news from ZETA merited a press conference .
18 These irregularities have been determined with great precision over recent years through the very accurate measurement of deviations in the orbits of artificial satellites .
19 Partly it is because the courts have been dealing with greater numbers of offenders .
20 All boys have been served with great competence and total dedication .
21 and , and they may very well my Lord , say well we have been watching with great interest what your Lordship has been doing
22 Unison doublings do not help much , if at all , except in the case of high trumpet parts being doubled in unison by clarinets to give steadiness and confidence to the trumpets rather than for any definitely musical result ( e.g. clarinets have been used with great success to double the extremely high trumpet parts to be found in the works of Bach and Handel ) .
23 They have been used with great success in the analysis of repeated measures data and ar increasingly coming to be used to efficiently analyse complex sample surveys .
24 Over recent years imports and exports have been vested with great political and cultural-ideological significance , and it is very likely that increasing numbers of consumers now register the country of origin of what they are buying , and producers now register the destination of what they are producing , and this knowledge may affect their actions .
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