Example sentences of "[verb] n't [vb infin] what time " in BNC.

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1 When it came to me , I did n't know what time it was .
2 On New Year 's Eve , and out of the blue , he told her he was going to a party and he did n't know what time he would be back .
3 Well we did n't know what time when we
4 I did n't know what time you were coming home .
5 So , anyway , I must have been downstairs doing something and I do n't ne sh sh I did n't know what time this interview feller was coming only , that I was downstairs and I heard Tracey say , oh what 's his name then Mike ?
6 I did n't ask what time he meant .
7 ooh my foot slipped foot had slipped on the clutch and I could n't do anything about it Oh I did n't realize what time it was , your dad 'll be wondering where his dinner 's got to wo n't he ?
8 Well I know I said but , I did n't realize what time it will be , why do n't we wait until tomorrow morning and then you can watch P C Postman before you go to school ?
9 So he did n't say what time he 'd be in ?
10 I do n't know what time we came back . ’
11 I do n't know what time it was but it must have been late . ’
12 I do n't know what time it is and my name is Tiffany .
13 But here in Chichester Chairman , it 's er a pretty serious situation where you 've got a a small river causing tremendous volumes of water er levels of which I think have never been experienced with anybody er going through a very small city built in eighteen hundreds I do n't know what time and date you know , but a very long time ago .
14 On Friday w would it be a good idea Cos I do n't know what time the generator 's but I mean it would be really best if we could set things up .
15 Do n't know what time snooker comes on .
16 I do n't know what time it was .
17 Do n't know what time you phoned .
18 I wo , well she was awake in the middle of the night , I do n't know what time it was but all I could hear was mummy , mummy , mummy !
19 Cos I do n't know what time Adam will be back he 's fishing .
20 Then you can er come too soon , I do n't know what time the trains be in .
21 So yo you do n't know what time he 's starting do you ?
22 She said he 's out and I do n't know what time he 'll be back !
23 So you do n't know what time Heidi 's
24 I do n't know what time daddies coming in .
25 I do n't know what time daddies gon na come .
26 But he do n't know what time they got there cos he do n't work in that warehouse .
27 I do n't know what time to expect dad tonight .
28 Well I do n't know what time she 's picking it up at actually .
29 Came about half ten , so I do n't know what time I went down the Rave 's , be that time .
30 I do n't know what time Anne said she was coming .
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