Example sentences of "[verb] n't [vb pp] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Well she has n't gone to Mr .
2 Since a youthful Murray had n't moved to London primarily to find the bass player 's Eldorado , how had he become involved in the live music scene ?
3 At that time she had n't moved to Suffolk ; the acquisition of the priory followed later .
4 Most probably if he had n't gone to Hollywood that would never have happened .
5 Scarlet had found it all very puzzling and upsetting : she could n't envisage herself telephoning her first husband 's second wife to complain about her child — even if they had n't gone to Australia .
6 He recalled that the president had n't gone to Gromyko 's funeral .
7 I spoke to er I , I had n't spoken to James before , I spoke to him today .
8 She had n't spoken to Matthew in a long time .
9 Until now the possibility had n't occurred to Godolphin — he 'd been too preoccupied by the secret that he 'd lived with most of his adult life — but it was an intriguing , and disturbing , thought .
10 But then , she had n't come to Venice to sit in a hotel room .
11 Which reminds me you still have n't written to Geoffrey and Jean to thank them for your birthday money have we ?
12 Remarkably United have n't lost to Charlton in their last eleven meetings ; today 's draw means they 've drawn six of them and won five of them , but for eleven meetings , United have not lost to Charlton .
13 ‘ Whatever I 've done or have n't done to Julius , it 's really none of your business , is it ?
14 You get over one hurdle and there 's always another one to jump — and we have n't got to Becher 's Brook yet .
15 Er , I think er , Frank will correct me if we 're closer to the , to the sharp edge than Anglia , who have got a very small stake and only in the equity of B S B H , are coming very low in the pecking order to get their money , whereas er , where there is a whole complex er , schedule of who will participate in the er , substantial cash flow that we expect to emanate from B Sky B in due course , but I think that 's the main reason why Anglia , I have n't talked to David .
16 ‘ But I have n't come to Liverpool to be number two .
17 ‘ I have n't spoken to Steve about all this .
18 ‘ I have n't spoken to Declan , but unless anything untoward happens that is the plan , ’ he added .
19 I have n't spoken to Mr Boldwood since the autumn , when I promised to see him at Christmas , so I 'll have to go .
20 He said : ‘ I have n't spoken to Kenny yet but I am very happy indeed .
21 ‘ I have n't spoken to Berger yet .
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