Example sentences of "[verb] an [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Charlton has been watching the teenage winger recently but England boss Graham Taylor has handed Froggatt an Under-21 debut in Spain tonight .
2 It has just won an additional franchise in Germany and according to Elstone , the company will move more and more into Europe as the UK market continues to mature .
3 CASH-STARVED Victim Support schemes in Cleveland have won an important ally in their fight for increased funding the county 's Chief Constable .
4 Yet the disreputable William Martin had won an enormous following in " Worstedopolis ' , culminating in a mighty show of hands at the hustings which had left no one in any doubt that , had those hands possessed a vote apiece , he would have been elected overwhelmingly as a Bradford MP .
5 A similar price would buy an unconverted farmhouse in Tuscany .
6 He submitted that , if a national court is considering whether to grant an interlocutory injunction in a case such as the present , where the validity of the law sought to be enforced is challenged by the defendant on the ground that it is inconsistent with Community law , the question whether the court should require an undertaking in damages from the plaintiff as a condition of the grant of an injunction is to be decided on the principles applicable to that question under the national law , being a question of procedure which , on established principles of Community law , is left to the national law .
7 But SOFFEX ( Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange ) responded promptly by launching an identical contract in March 1991 .
8 Either the bank retained an equitable interest in the drafts within s.5(1) or the accused was under a duty to restore within s.5(4) .
9 In multiparty legislative elections held in September , October and November the ruling Gabonese Democratic Party ( PDG ) retained an overall majority in the National Assembly , but seven opposition parties gained representation ; a new government , in which the five largest opposition parties were also represented , was appointed in November [ see pp. 37701 ; 37767 ; 37841 ] .
10 Waller was argumentative , opinionated , and sometimes outspoken , but he had a sense of humour ( ‘ I am the Wallerian degeneration ’ in reference to his father 's eponymous discovery ) and he retained an unworldly delight in science throughout his life .
11 His father 's mother had been born in Nova Scotia , and he himself retained an active interest in Canada .
12 To win a seat on the first round in the constituency elections , a candidate would need an overall majority in a turnout of at least 50 pere cent ; if this was not achieved , a run-off vote would be held one week later .
13 ‘ A very big ‘ oh ’ , ’ Ven murmured , and , seeming to take it favourably that she was not snatching her hands out of his clasp , ‘ What is happening to me , can I think , when I , who value my privacy and do not need an intrusive journalist in my home , find that I have done no less than invite you to my home for dinner ? ’
14 The Cassa is now tackling the problem of the inland , mountainous areas applying an integrated approach in collaborating with local communities through the regional authorities .
15 It needs an added ingredient in order to determine how the universe should begin and what should happen when matter collapses under its own gravity .
16 The Jammu and Kashmir state administration imposed and maintained an around-the-clock curfew in the Kashmir valley on April 6-21 , with a few short relaxations to allow people to obtain essential supplies .
17 Dering was a scholarly man , who maintained an informed interest in religious controversy and dabbled in literature .
18 Bombers could be made invisible to radar , maintained an American author in New Scientist , the issue also carrying a discussion of what scientists could do to halt development of more appalling weapons even than those in existence .
19 David Howard maintained an active interest in his company to the end of his long life .
20 In 1855 he had been brought in as a partner to Beyer & Peacock 's Gorton factory in Manchester , recently built for the manufacture of railway locomotives , and he maintained an active role in the management of Beyer , Peacock & Co. until his death .
21 A DRIVER who jumped a red light did so by overtaking an off-duty policeman in his private car .
22 Following losses in the second quarter down from $40.4m to $35.4m , the underwriting deficit at the half year in sterling terms was just over 9% lower at $74.1m ( 1992 : $81.6m loss ) , representing an overall improvement in the US operating ratio of almost one and three quarter points for the half year .
23 Thus while the committees hoped their work would act as an antidote to the apparent tendency ‘ to reduce workpeople to the mental condition of animated machines ’ , they also sought to encourage an all-round improvement in efficiency and a training designed to develop ‘ the habit of regular industry … a healthy growth in mind and body ’ , the inculcation of thrift , and the ever popular ‘ discipline ’ .
24 Water erosion , whereby rain washes the topsoil off hillsides , is becoming an increasing problem in the United Kingdom , worsened by high-gear agriculture and drainage .
25 ‘ Glue sniffing is becoming an increasing problem in the town .
26 Moreover , the establishment of the right of carers to separate assessment under the NHS and Community Care Act 1990 has formalized what was already becoming an increasing emphasis in social work practice .
27 Mr Reed rose quickly through the bank , becoming an assistant director in 1976 and a director in 1979 , before being appointed head of the corporate finance department in 1984 .
28 John Nettlefold needed £30,000 to buy the patent and to begin manufacture ; his wife 's brother , Joseph Chamberlain , invested £10,000 , becoming an equal partner in Nettlefold & Chamberlain , and sending his own son , also named Joseph [ q.v. ] ,
29 Dropped by the one section of the establishment which supported it , and adopting policies that ensured that popular opinion would become increasingly hostile , Mosley destroyed whatever small likelihood the BUF had of becoming an effective force in British politics .
30 The Coulson Chair was established in the knowledge that Theoretical Chemistry was making significant contributions to Physical , Organic , and Inorganic Chemistry besides becoming an established field in its own right , and it was envisaged that the professor might choose to be associated with the work of any of the laboratories .
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