Example sentences of "[verb] or [vb base] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the work of these researchers is concerned with the conditions which either favour or result in the formation of a complex ref-O ( hence enabling plural reference ) , or preclude complex ref-O formation .
2 Two patients in each treatment arm refused to accept the treatment assigned or participate in the research study or both .
3 It makes it an offence to promote or conduct or assist in the conduct of a mock auction .
4 Sit or lie in a comfortable position , read through the exercise and then follow these steps .
5 The ideal approach is to choose the software to fit the application and then buy the hardware it needs or subscribe to the appropriate bureau .
6 They inflect or deflect to a common force field , physical , sensual or emotional .
7 Hincmar confirms much of what Dhuoda and Nithard say or imply about the workings of a political system centred on the court , adding details and assigning plausible motives and explanations .
8 While there is a great deal of merit in this argument , it over-estimates the importance of what individuals say or write on the shaping of ideology .
9 remove or tamper with the Trade Marks or other means of attribution or identification used on or in relation to the Licensed Products use the Trade Marks in any way which might prejudice their distinctiveness or validity or the goodwill of therein use in relation to the Products any Trade Marks other than the Trade Marks and the trade marks of and MacEnglish as set out in Schedule 2 B or used by in the Territory any Trade Marks or Trade Names so resembling the Trade Marks or Trade Names of as to be likely to cause confusion or deception .
10 Within hours he was unable to move , speak or breathe without a hospital ventilator .
11 In conclusion , we confirm that there is good evidence for an increased incidence of lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin lymphomas among young people in Seascale , though we are unable to identify the cause of this increase ; nor can we say that our data and analyses either support or detract from the conclusions of Gardner et al .
12 The same principle , looked at from its negative side , may be thus stated : There is no person or body of persons who can , under the English constitution , make rules which override or derogate from an Act of Parliament , or which ( to express the same thing in other words ) will be enforced by the courts in contravention of an Act of Parliament .
13 My husband George is a parson so I meet many of the people who telephone or come to the Vicarage .
15 Telephone or write for a personal itinerary today .
16 ( b ) attending the school to address a staff meeting or talk to the library committee
17 THE FACE is not a wealthy magazine ; do n't believe what you read or hear to the contrary .
18 Against : NCM must standardise the components supplied or improve on the instruction manual .
19 Multiply or Divide with an e on the end
20 Does not their coming into this relation modify or add to the character of either of them ?
21 With branch lines axed , the only practical rail journeys begin or end in a city .
22 Those who lend or participate in the lending process ( investors and creditors ) , which includes individual and institutional investors and creditors , municipal security underwriters , bond-rating agencies , bond insurers and financial institutions .
23 Positivist causal theories stand or fall by the extent to which they are able to establish the existence of ‘ types ’ of human beings ( whether in terms of biology , personality , or values ) who are crime-prone .
24 Er if , if you , if you had , you had to dig a little hole in , in the , in the , by the wall on the , on the pavement like that to hold about sixty four marbles say , and you 'd start off and say , give or give or take give or take as a lawyer , I used to have four marbles , and whoever was taken that was a lawyer of four marbles , I do n't know why .
25 This can then be followed by a semantically ‘ empty ’ verb such as give or take in the passive .
26 It is possible to soften water by the addition of chemicals that displace or combine with the calcium and magnesium , such as sodium hexametaphosphate and ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid .
27 The products themselves succeed or fail in the context of a global information industry .
28 Any urinary symptoms — pains , discharge , bleeding or deposit in the urine , frequent urging , especially if the urinary symptoms are accompanied by a backache or loin pains which may suggest that the kidneys are affected in some way .
29 Scholz was wearing that wise , reflective look that pipe-smokers get or act on the few occasions their pipes are working well .
30 Although Mr Morris will spend a lot of time in the chair presiding over debates … with custom dictating that he will no longer vote or speak in the chamber … his new duties go far beyond that .
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