Example sentences of "[verb] as [adv] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Opium was probably known in Roman if not in Greek times , and was used to promote sleep as well as to relieve pain .
2 Marie originally did most of the cooking , and subsequently continued to supervise menu planning and food purchasing as well as handling the accounting aspects .
3 ‘ I 'm willing to abide by all laws — and I 'll try to persuade other Romanies to do the same , but I 'm not likely to succeed until my people can see these laws protecting as well as persecuting them . ’
4 If the family finances have been badly affected by the patient 's stroke , you may have to go to work as well as making provision for caring for the patient .
5 If no loss has been suffered by the client , and the matter resolved as soon as spotted , why should this be a disciplinary matter , reported to all and sundry ?
6 Local centre events were often challenging as well as rewarding and perhaps none more so than South Cumbria 's ‘ Operation Isolate ’ .
7 And also I 'd welcome comments er we 've had one from er Mr that whether there are any things which you think ought to be added as well as taken away .
8 Libraries both public and institutional are disposing of books without any public debate , apart from a few over-heated outbursts in local newspapers and professional journals , forgotten as soon as read and never taken seriously .
9 Some findings may prompt the investors to terminate negotiations and so should be reported as soon as discovered .
10 But I totally disagree with what she said in that erm yesterday I sat glued to the television most of the day , really to keep myself up to date on what was going on , erm I also have a baby but I managed to keep him occupied as well as take him out for a walk and give him his lunch and what have you .
11 You will see that this has been written to inform as well as to influence , in order to widen debate on sustainable development in Wales .
12 We are forced , then , to the apparently bizarre idea that study of any aspect of the subject should precede as well as follow the lecture on it .
13 Again , it 's vital not to overheat the liquid because it will curdle as well as lose its taste .
14 This will help you speak as well as write more idiomatically .
15 Although Hoccleve believes in the sacrament he has no wish to prove dark theological matters ( or , probably , to enter on a long psychoanalysis , which , though free , will mean listening as well as talking ) .
16 On reflection I regret my use in In re R. ( A Minor ) ( Wardship : Consent to Treatment ) [ 1992 ] Fam. 11 , 22 , of the keyholder analogy because keys can lock as well as unlock .
17 The ‘ presents ’ and the ‘ gifts ’ were those we exchanged daily when we were writing poetry together — presents which , unlike those of my childhood , did not break as soon as touched .
18 The religious work centred on evangelism : George Cadbury supported ‘ Free Church parishes ’ in order better to coordinate as well as to encourage evangelistic effort .
19 Parents need to listen as well as to talk and to let it be seen that they recognize the teenager 's viewpoint , even when they take an opposite view .
20 It may seem at times that there is little common ground between the two generations , but if a parent is patient and ready to take an interest , and to listen as well as to give advice or pass criticism , there is plenty to talk about and share together .
21 In the building accounts of the Queen 's College , Oxford , Townesend is referred to as ‘ architecto ’ whereas his father , who had worked there previously , was described as ‘ lapicidae ’ , a distinction which reflects the fact that , like others of his kind , he was certainly able to design as well as to build ; but the extent to which he did so unaided is not entirely clear , many of the projects in Oxford at this time evidently being the work of more than one mind .
22 The security force undertakes passenger searching as well as controlling access between airside and landside .
23 This slightly understates the true cost of credit union lending for their members , as credit unions can work only if their members save as well as borrow , and the interest paid to members on savings with the unions ( though at the moment tax-free ) may be rather below the interest they could get from other institutions .
24 Although more resilient , and easier to handle as well as coming in a far higher range of breaking strains ( up to 200kg or over 400 1 b ) , braid is still vulnerable to kinks and twists .
25 It was a dispiriting affair , and since the material was being auctioned on behalf of the gallery 's creditors , there were no reserves and auctioneer Ian Mackenzie was forced to lower as well as raise his bids in order to find buyers for each of 144 lots which raised £97,070 ( $166,300 ) .
26 It must therefore help learners when they listen to a foreign language if they can see as well as hear what is going on .
27 The fact that you can see as well as hear means that it is much more difficult to make the whole thing credible .
28 Widmark had recently joined John Ford 's repertory company and so Wayne , who was producing and directing as well as starring as Davy Crockett , was delighted when Widmark accepted the role of Jim Dowie — so much so that he took an ad in the Hollywood Reporter reading ‘ Welcome aboard , Dick . ’
29 They have to keep the rest of their work and life going as well as helping the Party .
30 It is as though the physical structure of the head and neck are being at one and the same time constructed and medically dissected as well as reproduced in terms of illusion .
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