Example sentences of "[verb] his [noun sg] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 She tried again to meet Norman 's eye but he was rather desperately keeping his attention on that slut Yvonne .
2 One of his gunners , FS Cameron , who oddly enough baled out from two aircraft whose captains , ultimately , were posthumously awarded the VC , has his portrait in that magnificent War Museum at Canberra .
3 Little by little , however , the force of this long glen beneath the austere greyness of the Five Sisters touched Johnson , and he moved his position from that of first considering the political role of such remoteness , and the opportunities it gave for military strategies and subsequent escapes — Glenshiel had been the scene of a battle fifty-four years earlier in which local Highlanders unsuccessfully reinforced a Spanish invasion force — to being lulled by the sight of so many waters , brooks , burns , and silver rivulets , ‘ which commonly ran with a clear shallow stream over a hard pebbly bottom ’ .
4 In fact , I can describe his manner at that moment no better than the way Miss Kenton puts it in her letter ; it was indeed ‘ as though he hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there ’ .
5 If he had n't of picked his drink up that would of been good !
6 Another scientist , Stephen Kaplan , basing his work on that of earlier researchers , has presented a different version of the same idea .
7 Matching his pace to that of Jehana at his side , Alexei deduced from the snatches of conversation which carried back to him that Burun was not interested in discussing with Jotan either the agenda or the implications of their programmed audience with Artai .
8 It will help [ the photographer ] to focus some aspect of his life and in the process enrich his life at that moment .
9 He set up on his own in Leamington , trading in medicinal salts , but in 1831 changed his scope to that of manufacturing salt and alkali in Stoke Prior in Worcestershire , a site valuable for its nearness to the Droitwich salt deposits , and to the new lines of transport communication of the Birmingham and Worcester canal .
10 William could see the village where they lived and the smoke from the fires rising straight up into the air and the dark tower of the church rising above a cluster of stark trees , and because he was nervous he wanted to work his way in that direction , so it would not be so far to run , but because his father was beside him , smiling his reassuring smile , he did n't .
11 On 17 December 1991 the assistant recorder on a preliminary issue held that the question of suitability of accommodation for the purpose of sections 65 and 69 fell to be determined in the county court by way of proceedings for breach of statutory duty so that the judge could substitute his discretion for that of the local housing authority .
12 All the same , he can scarcely refuse to help Miriam in her career , it seems to him , just because he himself has turned his back on that world and its career-making .
13 Dr. Prior added his voice to that of the master in drawing the attention of the Board to the increasing number of aged , infirm and sick .
14 Dario Gradi , Crewe 's manager thought White would be playing up front , and prepared his defence for that .
15 Dada was overcome by natural embarrassment on meeting his daughter at that moment .
16 There was even a suggestion that I was one of Juval Aviv 's sources for the Interfor Report , although I had never met the man or even seen his report at that point .
17 In fact , Lewis was in no position to reproach his friend on that score , because he would drink far too heavily himself , which in his case was against doctor 's orders .
18 It would have been easy to nick his wallet at that point .
19 He half turned his head at that .
20 I would have thought that hed also steer clear of mentioning old codgers , seeing as Hoddle and MAL DONAGHY ( double pfffttt ! ! ) , amongst others , turned his team over that day .
21 Geologists link his name with that of B. N. Peach [ q.v . ] .
22 Twice he dug his knife into that poor body .
23 He may remember his visit to that school 18 months ago .
24 I love it when he raises his eyebrow in that sardonic fashion …
25 Did you see his face on that ?
26 Where did Terry Place come in , to play his part in that triple killing ?
27 Well like , like Will because he 's got his bag like that on that
28 Because it was the first purpose-built circuit , the designer had little knowledge of such matter and based his design on that of a horse race track .
29 Mist swirled in his mind , a wraith taking shape within the viscous haze , reflecting and congealing his image of that other self within himself .
30 John Harris was of great help to me in collecting architectural drawings , and I 've always admired his grasp of that field .
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