Example sentences of "[verb] from the more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Leadership might have been expected from the more substantial merchants , members of the élite merchant guilds established by Peter and reformed by Catherine .
2 This becomes clearer if it is considered from the more general perspective of post-modernism which has been widely characterized as involving a return of history , albeit as a category of representation .
3 They contended that pornography , lawlessness and other social disorders have been carried from the more permissive societies of the West , via the mass media , to the countries of the Third World .
4 A new , precoded , form was completed for each new activity undertaken ; the research instrument therefore differed from the more conventional diary approach in which the work done in specific time periods is recorded ( Mintzberg , 1973 ; Stewart , 1988 ) .
5 It was also suggested that as highly competitive traders they would in fact probably benefit from the more open European market after 1992 .
6 Thus the following sections will outline the broad areas of Commission activity , ranging from the more passive information role , to its more controversial attempts at harmonisation through the Social Charter and European company laws .
7 Women who have had children will know that their vaginal muscles are slightly more relaxed after delivery , but they should remember that many men prefer space to move in and that sufferers of premature ejaculation will benefit from the more subtle stimulation of lax vaginal walls .
8 * Check over your drafts , and separate the overall process of writing from the more mechanical process of checking for correct spellings , grammar , etc. ( see p. 117 ) .
9 She 'd had to walk from the more expensive inn up the road which was the official halt for the northbound stagecoach .
10 This is important because hardware measurements will affect your calculations as you will see from the more detailed instructions for measuring curtains which are given on page 63 opposite .
11 The dramatic shake-ups during those periods do not suddenly appear out of nowhere but should be seen as resulting from the more gradual and less fundamental changes that had been occurring within the old structure 's context over previous decades .
12 But he or his successor will have to wait a little longer for the revenue benefits which should flow from the more buoyant climate for project investment he has tried to create .
13 They included Henri de Lubac , later to be raised to the rank of cardinal , though only after he had retreated from the more extreme position on the relationship between nature and grace he had adopted in 1946 in his book Surnaturel ; Marie-Dominique Chenu , one of whose books was placed on the Index in 1942 for daring to suggest that Thomas Aquinas ought to be studied against the history of his times ; and Yves Congar , who survived to become one of the leading theologians of Vatican II .
14 Assignment of the right to payment of the sum of money in a bank account is to be distinguished from the more usual means by which a customer transfers money to someone else .
15 This cultural and institutional hegemony must always be distinguished from the more transient political and economic supremacy of European nations .
16 Thus , intracellular acidosis causes a greater increase in Na + / H + exchange activity than that expected from the more facourable in to out H + gradient .
17 There were fears that the death toll could reach 4,000 when all reports were received from the more remote areas devastated by the earthquake .
18 This conception of syntax as a kind of lexical auxiliary is explored in Chapter 5. 1 mention it here simply to illustrate the implications that might arise from the more considered interpretation of theoretical ideas .
19 This argument differs from the more modern notion , that dreaming is involved in the resolution of conflicts , but similarly ascribes an importance to dreams in preserving sanity .
20 Languages represented on the Certificate over the years have ranged from the more predictable European ones to Urdu , Hindi , Bengali , Chinese ( Mandarin and Cantonese ) , Japanese , Danish , Russian as well as English .
21 But as he prepared to switch from the more austere environs of the Treasury , where he saw out the final 16 months of the last Tory Government , Mr Mellor spoke of the importance he and the Prime Minister attached to encouraging artistic excellence and preserving the national heritage .
22 HRT gives fast relief from the immediate symptoms — hot flashes and night sweats — but needs to be taken for at least two years to protect from the more serious long-term side-effects of the menopause : heart disease and the bone-thinning condition osteoporosis .
23 Since all goods are donated , most of them of high quality coming from the more affluent within and outwith the parish , charges for them can be minimal so providing a social service as well as a subsidy towards the hall expenses .
24 We tested this by calculating cortical to ganglion cell ratios using distribution functions derived from the more recent data , and obtained cortical allocation ratios of 2.48 ( R54 ) and 4.18 ( R151 ) .
25 This industrial wood accounts for 20 per cent of Nigeria 's wood consumption while the other 80 per cent is consumed as fuelwood which is mainly derived from the more northerly savanna zones .
26 Of course , I was insulated from the more unpleasant aspects of city life , wallowing in the luxury of the Savoy , being waited on hand and foot .
27 Yang Shangkun 's younger half-brother , Yang Baibing , although promoted to the politburo , was removed from the more powerful post of secretary-general of the CMC .
28 It might perhaps be wondered why , when the locks were being renovated in 1909 , the opportunity was not taken to adapt the side-ponds , to combine the need to re-fill the lock quickly with the kind of water economy which would have resulted from the more conventional side-pond system .
29 As the story of a collapsing school filled the headlines of press , television and radio , many teachers responded by retreating from the more informal approaches to learning which non-selection at 11 had encouraged , into the safety of more traditional methods .
30 Continuing our series on computing , this week we move from the more technical aspects of their working to consider ways in which they affect our routine and everyday lives .
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