Example sentences of "[verb] from the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 , John ( d. ante Feb. 1315 ) , popularly regarded as a saint , should not be assumed to have come from the village in Kent of that name .
2 Springfield 's voice crackled from the receiver in reply , crisp and full of authority now , all trace of the easy-going backwoods sheriff gone .
3 In an attempt to extend the methane data , H. Craig and C. C. Chou , of the Isotope Laboratory at Scripps Institute of Oceanography in San Diego , have analysed the methane content of the air bubbles trapped in ice samples drilled from the glacier in southern Greenland .
4 Another thought surfaced from the chaos in her mind — and stuck , looming larger and more unnerving by the moment .
5 Zeinab rose from the table in a fury and flounced out .
6 There were no moving parts at all , the joystick was simply tipped from the vertical in the direction the user wished to go and , seemingly by magic , the spaceship or whatever was being displayed moved .
7 I do not expect King Arthur to rise fully accoutred from the cave in which he lies asleep , any more than I expect my father to clamber out of his shallow pit of prison lime .
8 If the subject does not know the junction and is attempting to decide how risky it is likely to be in other circumstances it would make sense to extrapolate from the information in the film to decide for example how busy the junction generally is , or to simply generalize from their current feelings of risk .
9 Concentrates upon Miró 's activity as a sculptor , a chapter omitted from the survey in Barcelona .
10 Well you will find for instance that three times as many people will strongly oppose and was strongly in favour , something omitted from the report in front of me and there are eight per cent there that were indifferent .
11 On Sept. 14 Compaoré officially announced his candidacy for the presidential elections , having resigned from the army in accordance with the new Constitution which barred the military from office .
12 In developments related to the presidential election , two ministers resigned from the government in the weeks leading up to the vote ; the leader of the Solidarity parliamentary group , the Citizens ' Parliamentary Faction ( OKP ) , Bronislaw Geremek , was replaced by Mieczyslaw Gil ; and , reflecting workers ' disenchantment with economic conditions , transport workers and miners staged several strikes .
13 Yameogo had been appointed Minister of Agriculture in July 1991 , but had resigned from the government in August [ see p. 38424 ] .
14 Monteiro , 47 , had resigned from the PAICV in 1971 .
15 Two of the small number of Liberals representing Quebec in the federal parliament resigned from the party in response to Chrétien 's election .
16 Heseltine had resigned from the Cabinet in January 1986 over the Westland affair and had , since then , assiduously cultivated the party in the constituencies .
17 In 1902 Joseph Chamberlain , Colonial Secretary in the Conservative Government , resigned from the Cabinet in order to campaign for Tariff Reform .
18 The court was told O'Connor had resigned from the force in December on medical grounds .
19 ( The word Dumb was dropped from the title in the 1970s . )
20 In late December Alberto Jorge Triaca , a former Labour Minister dropped from the Cabinet in a reshuffle in January 1991 [ see p. 37959 ] , was dismissed by Menem as the head of SOMISA , the country 's largest steel mill , a post to which he had been appointed in May 1991 .
21 Systematic multielement regional geochemical mapping of the United Kingdom landmass by the BGS 's Geochemical Survey Programme ( GSP ) has from the outset in 1968 provided regional data on the uranium levels of stream waters and on pH and conductivity , subsequently augmented by measurements of fluoride content and alkalinity .
22 Shops selling large electrical goods such as television sets , hi-fi and washing machines have been the first to suffer from the slowdown in spending , while large chains like Comet and Dixons have been losing market share to small independent shopkeepers .
23 Parkas worn over close-fitting body pieces leap from the gloaming in acid greens , violent oranges , purples and cardinal reds .
24 Countries where prices have tumbled like our own have been the first to benefit from the spark in the market .
25 The aim is to invest in Chinese stocks and shares which stand to benefit from the upsurge in economic growth which China is experiencing .
26 Part of Franco 's concern , in assuring himself of the backing of his staunchest allies , stemmed from the resurgence in support for Don Juan visible in the 1950s .
27 The need for a centralized reference laboratory stemmed from the difficulty in persuading venereal-disease pathologists that their own test methods might need revising .
28 The foreign exchange crisis , the country 's second in three months , stemmed from the delay in negotiations with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) over a US$2,000 million standby credit [ see p. 38006 ] .
29 Marcus shouted from the doorway in that distinctly unfriendly tone of his and clapped his hands hard .
30 She fled from the bathroom in Stockton , Cleveland , unhurt .
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