Example sentences of "[verb] from [adv] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 If one of them had escaped from Whitely we 'd have known about it , but three of the cunts ?
2 In terms of sustainability , we we have done underdone undertaken the same exercise which Barton Willmore have done , and looked at all the various sources , I mean from there you should be including those published by the rural development corporation , commission I should say .
3 The facial features are those of an elderly woman and , though not a portrait of the deceased , they are in line with standard representational portraiture of the period ; viewed from above one can almost visualize the parted winding-sheet .
4 When mice are imported from abroad it must either be possible to carry out experiments in the quarantine facility or a breeding colony should be imported .
5 while I was sitting from here I could erm see it had something stuck on it .
6 I therefore worked on the premise that if , if a fifth of our work comes from then it must be right to have approximately a fifth of our staff based in
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