Example sentences of "[verb] out [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sidney lives out here on the eastern side of the town where the fish cellars used to be .
2 All the time he had this great bursting feeling of utter incredulity inside him ; it kept exploding , he kept laughing out loud at the memory of the amazing appearance before his very eyes of this whole new life ; the shock of it would not fade .
3 We ventured out only in the mornings and the evenings when the sun was low and the shadows of the tall robed figures stretched to impossible lengths across the sands .
4 She dived down and swam out strongly against the current , towards an orange buoy at the outer edge of the bay .
5 But it 's nice to stand out there in the warm steam , getting warm .
6 A central body of granite trending NNW — SSE is flanked by a marginal belt of veined gneisses , the veins dying out away from the central body of granite .
7 In a most interesting essay in the recent volume of Essays on the Depopulation of Melanesia the great psychologist W. H. R. Rivers adduces evidence which has led him to believe that the natives of that unfortunate archipelago are dying out principally for the reason that the ‘ Civilization ’ forced upon them has deprived them of all interest in life .
8 Fortunately it was dusk , and firing was dying out all along the line .
9 Alright , so if we tr subtract B from A everything drops out apart from the following , so you have Y T minus lander Y T minus one plus B minus A , right equals alpha into Y minus lander plus beta X T okay .
10 Still , taking it for what it is , I can report that it is on the whole satisfactorily performed , due mainly to the merits of the soloists : Barbara Schlick 's soprano rings out finely in the wonderful air with cello , ‘ What passion can not Music raise or quell ’ ( I give titles in the familiar English rather than the German used here , of course ) , and again in her paean of the organ , though in the final chorus the sense and the noble simplicity of the solo soprano in turn with the choir , a real piece of English eccentricity , somehow becomes merely odd in German .
11 Chasing him , she had rapidly lost her bearings in the heavy forest terrain and only by accident had come out again behind the house into the vegetable garden .
12 The sun had come out fully over the abbey mills and the narrow bridge of Meole brook , and in the foregate there was bustle enough .
13 Inside the walls , in a similarly enlightened spirit , the conquerors destroyed most of the courtyards of the palace , leaving — and that grudgingly — little in the inner enclosure except the Pearl Mosque and a single string of pavilions spaced out also on the Jumna battlements .
14 There is no golden rule about how this " muddling mass " should be sorted out apart from the absolute necessity for patience and sympathy .
15 The Physics department moved out completely to the new building and Chemistry — abhorring a vacuum — expanded to take over the space vacated .
16 They moved out slowly into the corridor , Chen looking about him , prepared at any moment to thrust the knife deep into Herrick 's throat .
17 Do you remember when we used to come out here for the primroses ?
18 PW 's senior partner Ian Brindle looks out inscrutably from the foreword to tell us that the work provides ‘ a unique point of reference for company executives , investors and investment commentators ’ , which just about sums it up .
19 The student may want to find out more about the kind of parts he/she may play in the future , or indeed may have played during the time already spent at drama school .
20 Afterwards the Cardinal accepted that he had not appreciated the strong feelings of Jews on this issue and that he now hoped to find out more about the Shoah ( the Hebrew word for the Holocaust ) .
21 To find out more about the best sorts of plants to choose for cutting , I asked Daphne Love who , with her husband Sid , has written the Wisley Handbook Flower Arranging from the Garden .
22 To find out more about the Greenpeace operation the DGSE infiltrated a 34-year-old agent , Christine Cabon , into their New Zealand office .
23 Already , a number of lawyers , employers and medical researchers from the US , Europe and Britain have been telephoning Australia to find out more about the judgment and to request copies of the ruling .
24 To find out more about the group and to take part in an anti-war action on International Women 's Day in March , contact Women Against War in the Gulf , c/o 63 Upper Tollington Park , London N4 4DD .
25 Because Pliny the Elder had been so widely-esteemed , the historian Tacitus was anxious to find out more about the circumstances of his death , and about the eruption in general , so he asked Pliny 's nephew , who was seventeen at the time and survived the eruption , to provide him with details of what had happened .
26 In the last section of this chapter we will examine the attempts that have been made to find out more about the actual extent of crime , and to provide some sort of indication of the ‘ dark figure ’ of crime and to discover the ‘ real ’ rather than the recorded rate and character of crime .
27 If you wish to find out more about the gala concert or any other Opera North events , call the Hotline on Leeds ( 0532 ) 445326 .
28 The Government wants them to find out more about the sort of error that leads to tragedies such as the Chernobyl blast in Russia .
29 ‘ The boys are naturally worried and they have been phoning home to find out more about the situation , ’ Mathur said .
30 This will be an opportunity to find out more about the course , and how parishes can be more active in helping families to provide mutual help and support to each other in carrying out their vital role in the Church and society .
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