Example sentences of "[verb] up for a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But I had neither stumped up for a bale of fluffy bathroom towels , nor chipped in to the Qantas ticket .
2 If you 'd like to meet up for a drink or something , do give me a call on the above number .
3 In LONDON dealers were gearing up for a rush of prospective buyers .
4 THE NORTH-EAST is gearing up for a bumper celebration of European arts and entertainment .
5 BARCLAYS , the biggest plastic card issuer , is gearing up for a blitz on card fraud in the run-up to Christmas .
6 Did you want to stand up for a minute ?
7 Tomorrow night we 're back with the display team , this time in the city of San Diego where huge and hungry crowds built up for a game of American football .
8 She led the way into the communal hall which she personally had taken upon herself to brighten up with a vase of dried flowers and a couple of good , but ancient , rugs which she had picked up for a song at an auction sale .
9 After Arnold died , Nancy , feeling more strongly than ever what she had always known , that he was the only man she had loved , came to live permanently in the house where he had always seemed happiest , a piece of property he had picked up for a song in the sixties from Barone Dulcibene 's father-in-law , old Count Umberto Baderini .
10 ‘ I thought you might be otherwise involved — signing up for a television series , perhaps . ’
11 Check your existing lender 's redemption charge before signing up for a replacement loan .
12 It said it one of the guitar magazines I use my all the time before , before winding up for a gig , and all this sees for wrecking one of the guitars !
13 ‘ And to keep that feeling together I will try and make arrangements that we can all team up for a leisure day . ’
14 Two friends from the paras — one an ex-member of the Irish Rangers , the other a deserter from the French Foreign Legion — were saving up for a trip to South Africa where they intended to join the South African Army .
15 I was supposed to be saving up for a car , but I 'm still too young to take my driving test , so I bought her instead — with the first payment of the advance for this book !
16 The Dormouse woke up for a minute and then went to sleep again .
17 The town 's magistrates were told that tension had built up for a year after a decision to dissolve the partnership .
18 I think she should have played a Tour Event before an exhibition event , but then again it would n't be the first time she has n't turned up for a Tour Event would it ?
19 Dressing up for a walk in the forest to find eggs
20 But give him his due , he does not give up for a scratch or two , and not even a dagger could hold him off for ever . ’
21 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
22 We acclimatise with shorter trips for the first few days , then split for free sailing , meeting up for a couple of days to brief for another long session of free sailing .
23 AT LONG last we have a newspaper that will speak up for a referendum on Maastricht .
24 Hold up for a count of 10 .
25 Hold up for a count of 10 .
26 Hold up for a count of 10 .
27 Hold up for a count of 10 , relax and repeat .
28 Motoring costs went down by 1.3 per cent , thanks to a further fall in the average cost of second-hand cars and an average drop of 7p a gallon in petrol prices which , together , more than made up for a rise in car insurance premiums .
29 Crilly has tidied the flat , and my bed is made up for a queen with extra duvets and fluffy pillows .
30 Gliders lining up for a competition launch
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