Example sentences of "[verb] up as the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Time to find whether opting out adds up As the 2% incentive to contract out of SERPS nears an end , LIZ WALKINGTON takes stock
2 Andy Payton and Stuart Slater showed , for example , that they may now have come to terms with the tribal ritual that is entitled to pass their understanding until time and circumstances dictate that they become as wound up as the rest .
3 Kate was down in the pit lane for the Friday qualifying session , her nerves nearly as wound up as the drivers ' , knowing that Ace was waiting to live up to his name with the fastest lap .
4 Between the 1150s and the 1180s connections between the curia and Paris were built up as the studium , or university , began to form .
5 It is then written up as the business strategy or plan together with a detailed plan for implementation .
6 He 's dressing up as the Lincoln Imp ; the original imp is a carving in Lincoln cathedral .
7 Obviously they 're as hung up as the rest of us .
8 Duke Berthold of Zähringen was now put up as the candidate of the Welfs because he appeared a man of means and was well known for his hostility to the Staufer .
9 In what sounds like computer industry heresy , Gupta Corp , Menlo Park told Reuter that it is looking to higher prices for its more advanced software products to help it achieve sharply higher earnings in 1993 : ‘ Our prices are going up as the functionality and performance of our software increases along with the functionality and performance of personal computer networks , ’ chief executive Umang Gupta said ; the company will introduce two new versions of its SQLWindows 4.0 software later this month ; the standard version at $2,000 , a more advanced one at $3,500 ; he says its only prices going down were for communications routing software .
10 Apparently , Fagg turned up as the protégé of one Captain Fanning of the Pioneer Corps , an Irish member of ffeatherstonehaugh 's whom Gooseneck remembers as an occasional visitor and noted practical joker .
11 ( Similarly , the self-relatedness within God 's triunity is opened up as the basis on which he calls into being creatures other than himself , creatures whose raison d'être is to mirror and participate in his relation to himself . )
12 The figure for ‘ advances ’ begins to tick up as the customer 's borrowing increases .
13 Thirty parked cars were swallowed up as the fireball in Lochmallen Terrace , Sunderland , sent a huge plume of smoke over the city .
14 The 22-year-old from Sheffield signed up as the sport 's first big-money professional with a one-year contract worth £8,300 a month from the newly-launched Professional Pool Federation .
15 What Scotsman would not be captivated by the extraordinary vision of Linda Evangelista trussed up as the supermodel-from-Brigadoon ?
16 More frequently , reproduction is set up as the foundation of feminine psychology .
17 He was set up as the triggerman for the massacre by those forces inside President F.W. de Klerk 's administration determined to hang on to white power at all costs .
18 This media course was set up as the school 's response to being chosen , like school A to participate in the Gulbenkian Research Project .
19 Accordingly , " with the praiseworthy assistance of Miss Irwin , Secretary of the Women 's Federal Council " , and with financial help both from the ETS and the STA , a " Female Compositors Society " was set up as the STC reported in July and August 1898 .
20 Suspicion and hostility towards the law in working-class London at the turn of the century drew on much deeper funds of popular feeling than can be usefully or relevantly summed up as the work of ‘ Hooligan ’ gangs or ‘ Hooliganism ’ .
21 The reactions produced are often summed up as the flight or fight response .
22 The project of Mannheim 's sociology of knowledge can be summed up as the attempt to study the relation between knowledge and social structure .
23 ‘ If that happens it will be trumped up as the end of the NBA , but in fact it will only be a breach if Mr Maher discounts without the permission of the publisher , ’ Mr Taylor added .
24 A murmur of assent went up as the audience shifted and rustled again , and Gerrard turned back to Briant .
25 They are as follows : the Cabinet Committee system grew up as the load on the Cabinet itself became too great .
26 The bigger the flock , the smaller the chance that you end up as the cat 's next victim .
27 ‘ I normally drive a Volvo 343 ; it 's not a very new one , but my main criterion is to make sure I do n't end up as the jam in the sandwich when I 'm out on the motorway . ’
28 There may be other occasions when some members of the clan dress up as the totem animal , in ritual dancing , for example .
29 What a cheer had gone up as the Englishman with Turtons ' file had filed the steel down to the vice before the Frenchman was one third the way through !
30 The southern sky lit up as the Clydebridge works dumped its slag and the colours of fire and smoke drifted among the faint stars .
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