Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But I had neither stumped up for a bale of fluffy bathroom towels , nor chipped in to the Qantas ticket .
2 Anxious that his client might be mixed up with a terrorist organisation .
3 So there he was , caught in a trap of his own making — being nice to a woman he did n't like , and mean to one he did , and as mixed up as a schoolboy in short trousers .
4 We were n't going to get mixed up in a job , when we were going home off duty .
5 One retired to Beirut after going bankrupt , one got mixed up in a betting scandal , and the third was convicted of tax-dodging .
6 He has been mixed up in a number of shady deals in the Middle East .
7 Her world was opening up with a vengeance .
8 Not only did the train travel fast , it spread fast and soon the world was opening up at a pace not previously imagined .
9 He says over the last five years it 's got far more popular … it 's a sport which is developing … it 's just opening up as a competitve sport …
10 ‘ Margaret , how did your chum Richard take my being rung up by a patient ? ’
11 Colleagues wept as they told how she planned to meet up with a friend for a two-week walking holiday .
12 If you 'd like to meet up for a drink or something , do give me a call on the above number .
13 the ray rose up like a revenant
14 ‘ Oh ! ’ she cried , beginning to gesticulate as she did when excited and then to square up like a boxer .
15 They drew up with a rasp of gravel just behind the trailer , and Sergeant Allen 's head popped out as if on a string .
16 There was something in the speed , as they rounded corners on two wheels , that shook her out of her bad mood , and when they drew up with a squeal of brakes in the narrow road just by Pepe 's Bar , she was laughing at Miguel 's uncharacteristic recklessness .
17 Across the road a bus drew up at a stop .
18 Outside its gate a battered estate-car was parked ; Maud drew up at a distance , and together they walked in .
19 We drew up outside a building which was surrounded by a walled courtyard .
20 We drove on to the top of the road and drew up outside a compound surrounded by a wire fence ; inside was a large white building surrounded by an expanse of gravel on which a huge group of people were drawn up in lines .
21 Tolby drew up outside a newsagent 's .
22 So , for example , your High Elf army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Wood Elves chosen from the Wood Elf list , or Dwarfs chosen from the Dwarfs list .
23 So , for example , your Orc and Goblin army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Dark Elves chosen from the Dark Elf list , or Chaos chosen from the Chaos list .
24 So , for example , your Empire army could include up to a quarter of its points value as Wood Elves chosen from the Wood Elf list , or Dwarfs chosen from the Dwarf list .
25 Asked to sum up in a sentence the essence of his long career as a reporter , he considers the question for a few seconds , laughs , and says : ‘ I do n't think I could do better than quote my old friend the late Jimmy Robinson , who was the Daily Mail 's man in Belfast for many years .
26 ‘ It 's two years since I last lined up on a grid , ’ Vitor said , ‘ and since then I 've refused to give interviews and avoided all contact with the media .
27 A female clerk in the advertising department owned up to a cream skirt ; Tavett to cream trousers ; and Linley to a cream shirt .
28 ’ I 'm a loner who likes to curl up on a sofa with a good book , ’ she says .
29 There was a different rug on the floor but without the fire on it 's much warmer to curl up on a human .
30 He says Wilfrd Thesiger 's idea of a nice night is to curl up on a rock and eat some fresh camel 's milk .
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