Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It should be robust enough to stand up to the most rigorous testing from the appraisal panel .
2 that I 've just picked up off the here .
3 Crumbs of advantage , Bénezet had found , may be picked up in the most unexpected places .
4 These then go out into the environment , are reflected back in a multitude of different ways according to the objects encountered , are picked up by the most amazingly refined hearing organs , matched against an inner mind structure capable of interpreting this data as a full and complete three-dimensional world and used as a major sensory means of perceiving their watery or aerial world .
5 Doctors agree that there are no risks in regular exercise , as long as you start gently and gradually build up to the more strenuous activities . ’
6 The employer said it had been attempting to tighten up on the very widespread practice of employees going for tea immediately after clocking on .
7 If he races on Saturday New Level will line up against the much fancied Ringa Hustle and the dog which beat him in the last round , Apres Soleil , which is on offer at 80–1 .
8 As he passed again on the other side of the road on his way back forty minutes later he was caught up in the very worst time of day for traffic .
9 The German Siemens was in a stronger position in several ways ; in addition to its computer and telecommunications equipment strengths , Siemens in the late 1980S was attempting to catch up with the vertically integrated Japanese electronics companies ; it was making a major chip effort , with use by the German car industry especially in mind .
10 By contrast , death and decay are speeded up in the equally characteristic Peter Greenaway film , A Zed and Two Noughts ( 1985 ) , set mainly in a zoo .
11 Round it a prolific jungle of weeds had grown up in the otherwise bare yard .
12 But it is equally true that there is no way of foreseeing the health status of the very elderly of 2010 or 2022 ; people grown up in the historically exceptionally prosperous period since World War Two may have very different health expectations than those currently aged over 75 who were born before 1911 in a very different environment from the present .
13 He smiled as the life went out in him , looking up at the already transparent Monster .
14 It can be a pig to set up in the most efficient way as regards memory , because it can use a tremendous amount of the base 640k of a PC .
15 Ian Perry , fed up with the daily commute on overcrowded trains and a boring bank job in the City , traded in his four-bedroomed detached house in New Malden for a village post office and general store in Paul , near Land 's End .
16 It always came up at the very worst of times .
17 Tim Kaihatsu wrote quite a lot — in fact , he was the one who came up with the most material .
18 Homeless people came up with the most poignant things , probably because they 're used to communicating this way . ’
19 A SURVEY by the St John Ambulance Brigade came up with the remarkably interesting finding that the man most women would prefer to give them the kiss of life , assuming it was necessary or even if it was n't , would be TV doctor Hilary Jones .
20 She came up with the wonderfully whacky idea of the Cabinet all being drug smugglers . ’
21 The traditionally Muslim peoples of Central Asia accounted for a further 15 per cent ; and the balance was made up for the most part of the larger national groups in Transcaucasia and the Baltic .
22 But , in spite of the Royal Navy , Jones , after a voyage to be described later , sailed safely back to France , where his reception more than made up for the much cooler one he had received after his ‘ Whitehaven ’ cruise 18 months before .
23 PJ , however , is lining up with the very best .
24 The first sees Dawn Milligan 's Valentinos Joy , drawn favourably in trap two after winning its last two opens at Sunderland , lining up against the highly respected Belle Vue dog No Joe Soap ( trap 4 ) and Brough Park 's Movealong Sharp ( 3 ) .
25 It 's very amusing , and you 've explained it amusingly to us , but er , there 's a lot of truth , I think in er , what you say and er how can we , er make the best of these unwelcome guests who insist on turning up at the most inopportune times , when we 're trying to enjoy ourselves .
26 Yes , that 's it some odd nights we was on our way home from work , it 's going up to the even when we 're on earlies and and weekends we can go there ca n't we ?
27 Later , as a result of other movements in the rocks , fissures opened up in the slowly solidifying granite .
28 Using a special pedal-extension device , he faced up to the suddenly enormous-looking Steinway in something of a David and Goliath meeting , and triumphed .
29 The waterfall is a part of the enormously extensive and complicated subterranean water system that has been traced now through this limestone mass if and which links up with the astonishingly deep fissures or gouffres that the speleologists have explored in the mountains to the east .
30 In 1965 the young Cooder teamed up with the equally young Taj Mahal in a band called The Rising Sons .
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