Example sentences of "[verb] so [adv] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , even without having to go so far as the Commission of the European Communities did at the hearing in arguing that registration itself already constitutes a form of establishment , it must be observed that in any event registration is a precondition for taking up and pursuing activities in the fisheries sector .
2 If the trial goes so badly that the plaintiff wants to take the money out during it he must , as was decided in Gaskins v British Aluminium Co Ltd [ 1976 ] QB 524 , make an application to do so , and he must have the defendant 's consent even to make the application .
3 ( Anglers are presently major users of the Derwent and would remain so even if the river were reinstated for use by power craft . )
4 He was tumbling so fast that the stars became blurred circles of light around him .
5 By three-thirty it was raining so pitilessly that the sky had turned black and all the street lights were on .
6 I certainly learnt next to nothing at St Aubyn 's and when I took the Common Entrance examination for Eton I failed so ignominiously that the authorities wrote to my mother that it would be futile for me to try again .
7 The usual way of expressing Boyle 's law , however , is Thus , when a gas is allowed to expand ( or is compressed ) at constant temperature from an initial volume of V1 to a final volume of V2 , the final pressure P2 can be calculated so long as the initial pressure Pl is known .
8 Benedicta 's eyes rounded in surprise but she smiled and agreed so quickly that the friar wondered if she , too , felt the kinship between them .
9 Retail demand is quite heavy and is likely to remain so even after the novelty value of the new car has worn off .
10 At Samarkand , masons were active building a grand terminus ( which was to remain so only until the railway was carried through to Tashkent in 1898 ) .
11 They almost certainly meet the needs of individual clients , but , like primary nursing , they may also fulfil the needs of the professionals concerned so successfully that the professionals , rather than the recipients of care , are really the most important clients of the system .
12 But Allied and neutral losses continued to mount so steeply that the Germans supposed a further five months would see Great Britain subdued .
13 There can be little doubt that this reflects the very high unemployment experienced so far and the resultant weakened state of the union movement and of labour generally .
14 This last was uttered so sharply that the dog at once lay down , uttering a whimper as he rested his head on his paws , dark eyes longingly fixed on the newcomer .
15 We have run the whole gamut of colour with the post-war American varieties , then the swing back to Europe for scent with the colour , then the bi-colour with the petals showing contrasting colours on each side , revealed so attractively as the petals curl back on themselves .
16 The extremities of the cloud are rotating so fast that the cloud would disperse if it were not held together by some force of gravity .
17 In its original form , it is a time-consuming and complicated procedure , but it can be simplified so long as the underlying principles are honoured ( see Arnold , 1982 ) .
18 The current project will extend previous work by presenting the homograph primes so briefly that the subjects are not consciously aware of them .
19 Durham 's arrival in 1992 has come so smoothly that the wonder is that the gap following Glamorgan 's 1921 elevation was so long .
20 Yet the boy had insinuated so knowingly that the Commander had begun to wonder if perhaps he suffered from lapses of memory .
21 Thomas suddenly started to shake so badly that the ice in his glass chattered .
22 ‘ Push or pull — who cares so long as the job gets done , ’ Hayman put in .
23 Divided plants will take hold of the soil and grow new roots more quickly if they are replanted so quickly that the plant hardly knows it has been out of the ground .
24 When it was running , the geyser roared so loudly that the place felt like a rocket in the middle of a take off .
25 They had done so well that the convent put photographs of the two girls in the local paper .
26 Older people comprise a large proportion of those living in poverty in Britain and have done so ever since the systematic studies of Charles Booth ( 1894 ) at the end of the nineteenth century .
27 ‘ Are you — ’ she began , but before she could finish , the little frog was leaping up and down , nodding its head and croaking so loudly that the girls were afraid someone would hear .
28 The exclusion of the courts It has been argued so far that the methods of control and accountability introduced by the 1985 Act leave much to be desired .
29 The Spanish Armada was defeated so decisively that the English often reckoned that their command of the sea began then , although it was never secure until the end of the seventeenth century .
30 He drove so smoothly and the tyres hummed so pleasantly on the tarred road that she knew she could easily have slept .
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