Example sentences of "[verb] so [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They have an ingenious device called a " lens ' , whose shape appears to be mathematically calculated so that it bends these silent rays in such a way that there is an exact one-to-one mapping between objects in the world and an " image " on a sheet of cells called the " retina " .
2 Ideally , this provision should be deleted , or at the very least it should be amended so that it applies only to the consent of a mortgagee or superior landlord actually required under the terms of an existing mortgage or superior lease .
3 Yet such a demand must be clearly formulated so that it challenges the stereotypes of women 's role .
4 The hip belt should be adjusted so that it fits snugly on the hip girdle , and not round the waist .
5 The Chinese also knew another archaic type of water-clock , a floating bowl with a hole in its base that was adjusted so that it took a specific time to sink .
6 I must give this to the Prime Minister , explain the strong feelings and see whether the guidelines can be altered so that it becomes more usual to impose a stiffer sentence .
7 It must be redesigned so that it illuminates the choices facing the country — not , as now , obscures them .
8 A bedcradle was placed so that it relieved the weight of the bedclothes from her legs .
9 This is not arbitrary — it is designed so that it operates just as well with colour-blind predators as with those that have good colour vision .
10 Artificial lenses of this shape are optically poor , but a fish 's lens is designed so that it corrects these aberrations , achieving a quality of image with a single lens which camera manufacturers are still trying to match .
11 Similarly , Marshall Sahlins 's work on the Hawaiian islanders in his Islands of History , though far more acutely aware of contending multiple narratives trying to ascribe different significances to the same happenings , is also organised so that it allows Sahlins to present a narrative wherein conflicting stories/histories are mapped out in a framework which explores these histories ' interpenetrations , their assimilations of each other rather than their refusals of each other .
12 So should a school like this one equip for the realities of unforgiveness of the world outside , or should it be much more generous in the way it shows forgiveness and can a school be organised so that it does actually reflect Christ 's teaching on forgiveness .
13 Although Chancellor Kohl later agreed to an apparent compromise it was clear even then — how much more so now — that West Germany had killed the programme , and it had done so because it sensed far better than any of its Nato partners how completely President Gorbachev had changed the situation in Europe .
14 The most important single aspect of siting is that the hutch must be positioned so that it does not receive direct sunlight .
15 When he craned to stare down at the crowds in the great square below the palace , his head moved so that it rested upon the parapet like a decoration .
16 With this second choice for eqn ( 9.8 ) is replaced by solutions Now the light cone of a source within the horizon tilts so that it points outward .
17 In New South Wales , the definition of sexual intercourse has been expanded so that it covers a range of sexual acts apart from vaginal penetration .
18 For its part , pluralism adopts a restricted frame of reference and takes too much for granted so that it skates on the surface of political life and only deals with the politics of participation and the politics of satisfaction to the detriment of any consideration of other less " obvious " things : there is little that is deep and illuminating about the pluralist perspective and crucial concerns are ignored as irrelevant to politics : pluralism is less wrong than limited .
19 Well keep the old bolognaise stirred so that it heats up all round .
20 Having learned from his first assignment that the general effectively controlled the hostage situation in Beirut , Coleman now came to realize that , in a broader frame but in the same sense , Kenaan also controlled the nature and scope of narco-terrorism itself — ; or , at any rate , could do so when it suited President Assad 's purpose .
21 It was one thing for his guardian to tell Harry to forget the circumstances of his birth , but would he do so if it meant his beloved daughter had to share that stigma ?
22 A major extension of the East Approach Road has been made so that it connects to the existing four-laned Seafield Road west of the King 's Road junction .
23 As the excluded social forces grew in political strength , so they pressed in on the established constitution in ways which eventually caused it to buckle so that it came to be more in line with their views as to how things should be .
24 The Code is drafted so that it does not impose any obligations on the parties to a takeover and their directors which would place them in conflict with their legal duties .
25 Another thoughtful refinement is always to arrange the knot in the abseil ropes on the top of the anchor slings so that it does n't run against the rock when pulled .
26 In patients with this type of depression , their critical period is advanced so that it falls during sleep .
27 Moving on into the sort of sensors and the electronics side , erm for survivability erm the defensive aid sub- system will be er very complex , very sophisticated but also integrated so that it has a complete system of protection for the aircraft , erm an and finally moving on on the sort of electronics side then clearly with different sensors such as the radar , the forward looking infra-red , infra-red search and track the er multiple information distribution system and also certain aspects of the er electronic warfare suite then by having sensor fusion which enables the best information at any one time to be correlated into the system as a whole then that will provide a very good capability and far in excess of anything that we have at the moment .
28 It is rolled into a pellet and fastened to the end of the needle and lit so that it smokes .
29 I was so convinced of my calling so before it got that far I had to step hack from the relationship . "
30 It does not have to be the only thing which persuaded him to do so but it does have to have been a factor in influencing him .
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