Example sentences of "[verb] as [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And the other half used to go as a window leather which are called st
2 and I 'd like to go as an army chef or an army mechanic
3 It had been expected that a limited corp of staff would remain as a support unit after the last aircraft departs in January .
4 In the light of that , will he reconsider the abolition of vacation hardship allowance , especially as it was abolished in clear breach of undertakings given in the House that it would remain as a safety net following the abolition of social security provision ?
5 Returning to his parents in Scarborough , he continued to train in hotel management until in 1925 he at last defied the family and enrolled as a drama student at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London , where two years later he won the gold medal and was immediately given his start in the professional theatre by one of his teachers , the Russian director Theodore Komisarjevsky [ q.v . ] .
6 She had done a three-month cookery course and , as a last-ditch attempt to acquire some proper qualifications , she had enrolled as a student teacher with Betty Vacani , in Knightsbridge , who ran dancing classes for tiny tots .
7 Pam Murphy has recently enrolled as a postgraduate student in experimental physics , and Carol Wallis , having got a degree and a postgraduate degree at Cambridge , and taught in various places , is now working as a Research Fellow in biochemistry at the university .
8 At one station we were stopped for several hours alongside a troop train on which I discovered the Reverend R.H.L. Slater , now enrolled as an army chaplain , who told me the comforting news that my wife and three children had got away from Myitkyina a day or two earlier .
9 ‘ If it 's not his jokes , he is constantly relating how he fought as a moss trooper on the northern march . ’
10 erm I think really what erm what should happen is that erm you , with your manager , ought to look at the the erm to establish and agreed job description and in addition to the notes that are are are there erm I have some sample job descriptions from other parts of the Press which have been completed as a framework job and erm we can discuss that in any kind of detail you want .
11 Spokesman Andrew Ball says it is ‘ smuggling the computer into people 's homes disguised as a CD player . ’
12 Disguised as a page boy albeit an incredibly feminine one she enters the service of Orsino , with whom she falls in love .
13 Uttley , Britain 's over-40 Ergo champion ( the Ergo is a form of torture disguised as a rowing machine and beloved of masochists everywhere ) , was in the States to compete in the World Championships .
14 One was disguised as a post office worker .
15 His raw material consists of Stephen Fry playing Stephen Fry thinly disguised as a throw-back aristo who decides to share his recently inherited stately pile for a few days with his old friends from revue days .
16 In the book Mt Pelee is thinly disguised as the volcano Salpetriere , while St Pierre , the town which was actually involved in the eruption , appears as St Jacques , but the actual events of Thursday 8 May 1902 were so dramatic in themselves , and the tragedy so complete , that it seems a little unnecessary to dress up the facts in a romanticized account .
17 With the aid of the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the National Art Collections Fund , the National Portrait Gallery has bought three distinguished portraits of important British sitters in the first half of this year : Robert Walker 's ‘ John Evelyn ’ of 1648 shows the famous diarist with his hand resting upon a skull and it was painted as a wedding portrait for his wife , to accompany a treatise on matrimony .
18 The Guests returned Dali 's portrait of their son , Alexander , feeling that he had been painted as a Velázquez menino .
19 And when , on occasion , his name did creep into a scandal-sheet or a confessional biography , he was invariably painted as the patron saint of lost souls .
20 Recent years have seen the site developed as a trading estate , now housing a number of firms .
21 Case management , as defined and practised originally , developed as a service system response to the co-ordination of care , and while judgement of its value in other terms is not entirely inappropriate , it should be assessed in terms of its purpose , goals , and effectiveness , not in terms of its capacity to meet requirements projected on to it by others .
22 They have their own search company which they have developed as a service business .
23 Language has developed as a sign system — one of the ways in which humans communicate and make sense of the world around them .
24 RIGHT The Rottweiler is a large , powerful breed , developed as a guard dog .
25 Developed as a nerve gas by German chemists during World War II , Parathion was recognised as highly toxic in the 1970s .
26 CYNICS might argue that ‘ green ’ or environmental funds and their ethical counterparts were developed as a marketing tool to attract the conscientious investor .
27 The shares carry the right to five weeks a year of free accommodation at the resort , which is being developed as a time share enterprise .
28 He states that the Causey Mounth , isolated from heavy traffic , could be developed as a commuter route for cyclists and for other leisure and recreational uses .
29 One particularly important technique that has been developed in recent years is the inverse scattering method of Belinskii and Zakharov ( 1978 , 1979 ) which had previously been developed as a soliton technique .
30 Speaking without notes , Mr Denton gave us a clear picture of the way the railways were first developed as a freight service , and indeed their rapid rise as a people carrier was an unexpected consequence .
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