Example sentences of "[verb] if the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The real issue with the voters was de Gaulle himself , and the General reinforced that perception by warning that he would resign if the proposed change was rejected or even if it passed by a slim majority .
2 It could be reopened if the current status of things changed .
3 If you can get the crop off the ground and impervious to weather quickly , it hardly matters if the subsequent carting and storing are laborious — wait until you have guests to help .
4 ‘ But such anxiety will not stop it happening if the Soviet Union should ever allow it to happen or be unable to stop it happening ’ .
5 I do n't know if the general public has fully grasped just how undemocratic the present Labour leadership election rules are .
6 I do n't know if the situation in Germany is as stable as people are making out I do not know if the other continents , or the other countries within the European continents , are of a stable nature when we look at what is happening in certain parts of the previous Russia or the states of the U S S R there is complete and utter confusion and atrocities being perpetrated on people within those .
7 I do n't know if the offending crew have a Leeds affinity though .
8 I do not know if the hon. Gentleman has got around to reading his Financial Times this morning .
9 Please could you let me know if the old mill chimney in the grounds of one of the houses there is a listed building and if it is not what is the correct procedure for having it listed .
10 Mrs Cresson has already several times hinted that parliament may be dissolved if the conservative opposition tries to block government bills .
11 Secondly , to know if the actual pollution concentrations are in compliance with the standards , an air pollution monitoring system is required .
12 They want to know if the Prime Minister knew . ’
13 I told him it was important to my defence to know if the old man had been blindfolded .
14 The doctor will want to know if the sexual partner has any symptoms and in particular whether he , too , has attended a clinic and , if so , what the diagnosis was and whether any treatment was given .
15 Ian Frank , representing one of the pressure groups against the plan , wanted to know if the National Grid barrister was actually a barrister .
16 It is absolutely vital that the access notes in the guide are respected if the popular climbing area of Upper Pen Trwyn is not to be lost permanently .
17 To discover if the inhibitory effect of indomethacin is because of its ability to scavenge HOCl , we evaluated the effect of indomethacin on HOCl production .
18 There will be much worse to come if the German government decides , as it may , to pull out of the European Fighter Aircraft project on which Deutsche Aerospace was counting for future revenues .
19 For example , planners in China do not seem aware of the cohort structure their population might have in decades to come if the drastic reductions in fertility introduced in the 1970s are maintained for 20 or 30 years .
20 The argument in favour of a divided profession which found favour with the Royal Commission was that the existence of a separate branch of the profession ensured that there was a body of specialist advocates available to all solicitors , which would be dispersed if the two branches were fused .
21 It is certainly what would be expected if the latent inhibitor functions like a CS- but it could just as easily be a consequence of generalization decrement — adding another stimulus to the excitatory CS might modify the way in which the latter is perceived and thus reduce its ability to evoke the CR .
22 Increased development funds from the EEC may also be expected if the proposed IDP is accepted .
23 Platelets will rapidly adhere and aggregate if the endothelial barrier is breached , as has been shown in many studies in experimental animals ( reviewed by Mustard et al , 1983 ) , and platelets adherent to collagen release the contents of their α and dense granules .
24 The problem is solved if the central core is very thin so that there is no room for reflection .
25 In Attwood v Lamont [ 1920 ] 3 KB 571 it was said by Lord Sterndale MR " … a contract can be severed if the severed parts are independent from one another and can be severed without the severance affecting the meaning of the part remaining " .
26 But there are some works in a lighter vein this one being a prime example for which one wonders if the mere fact of having a man play a woman 's role was intended to provoke laughter .
27 Studies will try to establish if the infected cow had been given English cattle feed from ground up ruminant carcasses — banned in Britain in 1988 and in France in 1989 .
28 ‘ Trevor has told me he 's prepared to sell if the right offer comes along . ’
29 But what happens if the traditional route out of the slums is effectively barred , or if unemployment is so high that the underclass is offered no hope ?
30 What happens if the new solicitor also recommends closure of the case ?
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