Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The men strained their ears for continuing sounds of the ghostly train .
2 Diamond and Smith base their forecasts for young UK entrants to university on 1980 .
3 Sir David Attenborough has been visiting a nature reserve to thank industrialists for helping to save a precious piece of the environment.He joined business sponsors who swopped their pinstripes for green wellies for the day .
4 CHELSEA last night moved a step closer to signing Russian international Dimitri Kharin and ending their search for chastised goalkeeper Dave Beasant 's replacement .
5 Soviet spokesmen warned the non-aligned states against succumbing to Western attempts to secure their support for American Rapid Deployment Forces .
6 Coleridge and Sara fixed their wedding for early October , and in the meantime began looking for a home .
7 Since the 1950s there has been a fifth column of British writers who demonstrate and often acknowledge their admiration for French writing , Alain Robbe-Grillet and the nouveau roman in particular .
8 The centralised technical control , exercised by the chief engineer 's department at headquarters , meant that the men who had accepted these posts were to find their room for independent and creative action significantly more constrained than was the case for their colleagues in the Area Boards .
9 The morning room was for comings and goings , where odd chairs changed their places for different conveniences , and shoes and boots from the fields were not forbidden .
10 After his return to London from Pontardulais , Edward and Helen were finding it more difficult than ever to contain their desire for complete sexual union .
11 Solicitors are not permitted to enter into an agreement with their clients that purports to exclude their liability for professional misconduct ( which extends to professional negligence ) though subject to the following rules liability can be limited by contract : ( 1 ) liability may not be limited below the minimum level of cover afforded under the Indemnity Fund ; ( 2 ) liability can not be limited at all for fraud or reckless disregard of professional obligations ; ( 3 ) s60(5) of the Solicitors Act avoids any provision in a contentious business agreement purporting to exclude the liability of a solicitor for negligence or to relieve him of his professional responsibilities ; ( 4 ) ss2(2) and 11(4) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 will apply to agreements between solicitors and their clients to ensure that limited liability provisions which do not fall foul of any other rule comply with the essential requirement of reasonableness .
12 About one third of drivers said they used their cars for unnecessary journeys .
13 The objectives are to help members of the public to find their way through this information store and to transmit their orders for particular journeys or holidays to the providers of those services .
14 During 1959 the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile lobby successfully argued their case for automated weapons .
15 When the negotiations began at Dalat it was Giap who assumed the principal role on the Vietnamese side and while , as communists , they might have accepted a smaller but communist state that could conceivably have been free of the French , it was as nationalists that the Vietminh argued their case for indissoluble national unity .
16 The Mitterrand Government also announced their plans for worldwide disarmament initiatives covering nuclear , chemical and biological weapons .
17 Headless Periplaneta and Schistocerca can be trained to flex their legs for long periods in order to avoid an electric shock .
18 In addition , to argue with able , patriotic , experienced men is tiring and some ministers have found that it is best to conserve their energies for major issues .
19 In response to what they characterise as changes in the market , Cisco Systems Inc , Menlo Park , and SynOptics Communications Inc , Santa Clara , have adjusted their plans for joint development effort on RubSystem , which was to have combined their hub and router technologies into one high end hardware chassis .
20 None of her infrequent , but uneventful and pleasant , visits to the capital on Women 's Institute theatre excursions or rare shopping trips had failed to shake her conviction that Liverpool Street was the cavernous entry to an urban jungle , where predators armed with bombs and syringes lurked in every Underground station , and seducers laid their snares for innocent provincials in every office .
21 1989:126 ) and many councils had established race relations units or similar structures to implement their policies for equal opportunities .
22 Historians , too , must determine how to classify their data for analytical purposes .
23 For a variety of reasons the European nobility of the eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming increasingly to need money : to indulge their taste in war , to meet a higher standard of living , to pay for their ever more costly gifts to their friends , their superiors and inferiors , and above all to the Church , to indulge their taste for extravagant building , and to give dowries to their daughters and patrimonies to their younger sons .
24 The objective of long-term stability in Japan 's conglomerate groupings does explain their preference for durable stockholders who place group cohesion ahead of short-term dividend gains .
25 There was a case for the introduction of much more systematic and thorough random checks : these might detect or deter wrongdoers , although the vast majority of solicitors would be unlikely to risk their livelihoods for trifling amounts ; ‘ more importantly they would … allay public concern and official suspicion about improper use of the green form scheme . ’
26 Image , hyperbole , parallelism , comparison , repetition or any other trope are potentially all equally effective in committing poetic violence on ordinary language , and it is this differential function and not any inherent quality that constitutes their interest for Russian Formalism .
27 Offered the same price for an issue , borrowers will choose an existing firm , given their reputation for successful launches , to avoid all the disadvantages in terms of future borrowing costs should an issue fail .
28 The South Korean negotiators described this proposal as " unrealistic and unworkable " and reiterated their call for simultaneous entry to the UN by both Korean states .
29 Nonetheless , he says , it is the way the the world will be forced to go : the European Commission 's Open Network Provision directive requires that public telecommunications operators unbundle their charges for individual services .
30 People are saving their resources for other basic needs .
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