Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun] to the " in BNC.

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1 Other walkers were struggling up the dusty track , sweating and wheezing their way to the high plateau .
2 So to raise funds , some of the villagers are opening their gardens to the public on Saturday .
3 Farmers , generally speaking , like to grow crops and look after livestock rather than sell — and they prefer privacy ; but if they are to make a success of opening their farm to the public they need to be professional about it .
4 The return to rock means the supercession of demystification by re-mystification , giving people back their sense of worship , rather than forcibly opening their eyes to the nuts and bolts of how ‘ myth ’ is constructed .
5 During June and July many artists living and working in East and South East London have been opening their studios to the public , coordinated and publicised by the Whitechapel Gallery .
6 It is not the West End galleries however who have been opening their doors to the new generation .
7 The president of the employers ' federation , the Union Patronale de Côte d'Ivoire ( UPACI ) , Joseph Aka Anghui , cited rampant fraud , inefficient bureaucracy , price controls and high taxes as key problems affecting industry ; he also complained of the failure of government bodies to meet their debts to the private sector .
8 The next chapter will examine recent issues that are engaging bureau workers in their search to meet their commitment to the community .
9 The public , as clients , equally base their attitudes to the quality of the services they receive on subjective assessments that are more than a little conditioned by their individual social attitudes .
10 Distant , forested hills to the left and smaller hills on the right contributed their surges to the surface of the countryside , and these undulations across the land ran under the roadway like energy cables , sapping the strength from the legs .
11 I thought Windows would allow printing to be carried out as a full background job , but I experience quite long delays while Word and Excel send their output to the Print Manager .
12 Pilots using them plot their journeys across the uninterrupted emptiness of the Pacific by plotting a course between a series of way-points , random but fixed points above the Ocean that are each given five-letter nonsense names — Neeva , Nytim , Nokka , Nabie , among a host of others — from above which the planes report their positions to the Pacific 's oceanic control centres at Tokyo , Anchorage and Oakland , California .
13 In the early 1980s , the Metropolitan police installed Divisional Information Officers to monitor the rise and fall of ‘ tension indicators ’ ( e.g. violence or abuse towards police officers , increasing numbers of complaints against the police and a decline in public co-operation ) in specially targeted local communities and report their findings to the Central Information Unit within the Metropolitan Public Order Branch ( Lloyd , 1989:273–4 ) .
14 In order that all sections of the Party shall be consulted , area chairmen of the National Union will obtain the opinions of constituency associations , through their chairmen , and report their findings to the chairman of the National Union and the chairman of the Executive of the National Union .
15 Druids said they would pursue their case to the European Court against English Heritage 's decision to close Stonehenge again next year at the summer solstice .
16 Neither will sit side by side with Sinn Fein because they do not concede the right of anyone to bomb their way to the conference table and they fear that , if the talks hit problems , Sinn Fein would once again resort to violence to get its way .
17 In addition , museum assistants or other personnel whose task it is to prepare the objects for visitors and to supervise their access to the collections may have more time for other tasks .
18 The removal of selection at 11 gave primary school teachers the opportunity to relate their work to the needs of all the children and to make the school day meaningful for each individual in their care .
19 The longer they have been Christians and the more they have been preoccupied with their Christian activities , the more difficult it becomes to relate their beliefs to the perceived needs of their friends .
20 A few of the men were dressed in quality suits with top hats and canes ; they moved quickly , keeping their faces to the ground .
21 Some small successes had already been achieved ; for example , by 1880 foreigners had agreed to entrust their mail to the Japanese postal system .
22 She would like to know their reaction to the work involved in taking the course .
23 She would like to know their reaction to the work involved in taking the course .
24 They had not confined their work to the schemes the judges selected , but looked at the remainder of the exhibition , and added eight of their own choice .
25 All these rulers , however , with the exception of the King of Bavaria , confined their greetings to the minimum demanded by courtesy , indicating how far anti-French attitudes had developed since 1860 .
26 We can certainly agree that political sociologists have not confined their attention to the narrower governmental sphere or believed that this constitutes a part ( albeit an important part ) of the world of politics .
27 The fact that the thieves confined their attention to the Early Cycladic display case , ignoring many other important works , suggests that they may have been stealing to order something which is a matter of concern to museum staff and archaeologists in Greece .
28 A win which leaves Terry Yorath 's men in a strong position to secure their passage to the USA in the forthcoming campaign .
29 It was Corrary who pointed , and drew their gaze to the dark shadow on the water .
30 It drew their attention to the fact that some of their clients may have a hearing problem without expressly saying so .
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