Example sentences of "[verb] their [noun pl] into the " in BNC.

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1 The poachers used stones to frighten their rabbits into the net , walking about and rattling one against the other .
2 More important , trade would tie their economies into the global market , allowing them to specialise in the things they do best , and helping governments to consolidate their economic reforms .
3 The slaves pressing their tintacks into the tree whisper :
4 Where had they all gone , those extraordinary skinny left-wing men , who had bullied their girl-friends into the Women 's Movement and been surprised when the hand with which they had so kindly offered freedom had been bitten so damn hard ?
5 They seemed in no hurry to escort their prisoners into the valley .
6 Although the solo danseuses perform sur les pointes , they still mark the appropriate beats by stabbing their toes into the floor , i.e. they dance a series of retirés passés forwards or backwards without descending and use typical Hungarian ports de bras .
7 And when Ross , impaling some pieces of chicken on the end of long sticks , promised to show them how to barbecue the joints they were thrilled , after the meat was cooked , to sink their teeth into the hot , if slightly charred , meat .
8 They were filled with admiration for her highly individual personality ; they had been trained to sink their personalities into the line and were happy to do so .
9 ‘ Companies based in France , Holland , Germany and Italy currently bring their products into the UK using Sealink .
10 In Stafford , soldiers were forbidden from bring their families into the town unless they had enough funds to keep them for a quarter of a year , due to the large number of camp followers registering for charity .
11 Suddenly they all surged towards me and flung their coins into the canvas sheet I was guarding and one old codger decided to go home .
12 They cantered down into the village and led their horses into the graveyard .
13 The mortar team are still lobbing their bombs into the enemy positions as we dash across the road and over a five-bar gate , then double along the hedgerow that runs alongside the road .
14 Only residents were allowed to drive their cars into the city .
15 Other easily recognised Balanchine signatures can be seen in passages marked Stretto where his dancers stab their toes into the floor as they travel across the stage in posés attitudes devant or à la seconde .
16 At the same time , UK paperbackers are contractually bound not to issue their paperbacks into the UK before the hardback editions of the same titles have had a chance to prove themselves in the bookshops .
17 Both the Regional and the District Councils are taking steps to discourage people from bringing their cars into the city .
18 My initial thoughts that the process of filming during the meetings and workshops might inhibit the participants from speaking their minds , was quickly dispelled when I later took part in several workshops at Highlander and discovered ( with some amazement ) , that the camera crew quickly became ‘ invisible ’ as people got their teeth into the subject matter .
19 It removed the previous obligation upon local authorities to sell their houses into the private sector .
20 In the middle of the crowd — people arriving , people leaving , lost children , tannoy announcements , people queueing at the cashiers ' grilles , checking the airport shops , lugging their cases into the restaurants … in the middle of all that , Culley looked for someone special .
21 The appalled producer took refuge in the unions and his insurance company , and Fred and Arthur composed their faces into the necessary combination of artistic bloody-mindedness and guestly sympathy to scotch the project without actually seeming to throw their good lunch back into the producer 's face .
22 She watched as he dropped their bags into the boot and slammed the lid shut .
23 For lick of adequate progress in the improvement of central local party and social ties in general , he and others , including Lenin , diverted their energies into the immediate practical tasks of rehabilitating the transport system .
24 Some managers are starting new industries in these towns while others have moved their factories into the region from older , more expensive and congested sites in London .
25 The sharpest contrast is with migrants who have brought with them the expectation that sons will bring their wives into the homes of their parents , where in some sense the wives will be under the authority of their mothers-in-law .
26 She told her brothers and they too put their faces into the soft sealskin .
27 It 's a crippling burden , a bizarre , economically apocalyptic punishment on these presumptuous paupers for wanting to kickstart their economies into the 20th century .
28 And they would stick their horns into the ground and into the hedge .
29 The Salonika area , in the Greek part of Macedonia , is a good place for capitalists from other countries to build the factories that will one day be selling their goods into the revived Balkans .
30 The next two articles describe their inroads into the businesses of water and advertising
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