Example sentences of "[verb] has [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Adding two hours to the period within which night visits may be claimed has caused a clear rise in claims , and this accounts for most , but not all , of the increase observed since the 1990 contract .
2 Sir John enjoyed the Thatcher party ; Sir Denys has suffered a Major hangover .
3 SAVE has published a whole series of reports on country houses at risk , entitled Tomorrow 's Ruins , Silent Mansions and Endangered Domains , illustrating fine houses under threat .
4 In England , the restrictive social and occupational background from which almost all senior judges have been drawn has provided a fertile medium in which an alternative and extremely powerful indigenous judicial culture has been able to develop .
5 His will to win has become a compulsive passion , a virtue that makes him a figure of loathing in the eyes of opposition fans .
6 On the one hand , the new art history 's commitment to the conditions in which art is produced has influenced a strong interest in women artists ' different social and economic position ; and on the other , the history of psychology , represented above all by Michael Foucault 's studies of sexuality , has fostered a keen awareness , among practitioners as well as critics , that cultural symbolism informs the language of social exchange beyond material , that it expresses sand creates shared ideas about femaleness , about sexual difference ; furthermore , these ideas are constantly in flux .
7 Other prospects include Cligga Head , a greisenised granite on the north Cornwall coast which has been examined by adits and drilling , and Redmoor , where drilling has shown a large , low-grade sheeted vein swarm up to 80 m wide and several hundred metres long .
8 The analysis of intergenerational redistribution ( whether , for example , the generation now retired has had a better or worse deal over their lifetime than those currently in the labour force ) poses still more severe problems .
9 The model which they developed has become a valued tool of analysis in both academic and professional circles .
10 And to my recollection , no one for whom Prost has ever driven has had a bad word to say about him , save at the very end of Prost 's career with Renault , when other factors that had nothing to do with driving intruded .
11 In America a law that forces companies to measure and disclose all the toxic waste they produce has had a significant effect .
12 A DEVOTED son who cared for his paralysed father until he died has received a prestigious European Child of Achievement award at a ceremony in France .
13 The East End they knew has changed a great deal .
14 the industry in which they have traditionally worked has experienced a structural decline ( structural unemployment ) ;
15 Erm you know I mean i i wi the Queen I think has given a wonderful example and her family life and I feel very sorry for the way her her children have you know the stresses of modern life ha have caused all these things and I feel for Charles an and Diana deeply .
16 For whose efforts on behalf of the fund I I really do thank them and I 'd like to make a special thanks to Lady Chandler , Lucy stepped into the breach as acting chair about a year ago and since I was elected has done a tremendous amount to help me settle in quickly and I hope effectively .
17 I I I think erm a lot of teachers would now look back on those days with er a certain fondness now bearing in mind what 's what 's happened since and the the the succession of education secretaries we 've had since since then I mean had the only one in recent years who I would say has attempted a genuine dialogue with the teachers and tried to do something constructive is John McGregor .
18 The development of the market for eurodollar bonds with equity warrants attached has proved a particular spur to activity in London recently , while the rapidly growing swaps market , the outstanding value of which was $1,500 billion at end-1989 , is located principally in London and New York .
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