Example sentences of "[verb] not at [det] time " in BNC.

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1 Williams , Textbook of Criminal Law , 2nd edn , Stevens & Sons , 1983 , 764 , criticised Pitham : if a butler invites the maid to join him in stealing the Duke 's silver when he has found the key to the safe , surely he has not at that time appropriated the silver .
2 Now a man may marry his stepmother or stepdaughter , or a woman her stepfather or stepson , provided that the younger person is aged at least 21 and has not at any time before reaching the age of 18 lived as a child of the family of the older person .
3 H. W. Janson 's History of Art , the standard college textbook , did not at that time mention a single woman artist ’ ; and in discussing the period reviewed by the exhibition , various choices of media made by women artists are chronicled , for , ‘ Many women artists eschewed painting — especially abstract painting — as a domain polluted by long saturation with male dominant values , and developed their themes in performance . ’
4 Section 4(1) ( b ) stipulates , " that the person proceeded against did not at any time supply the product to another " .
5 Wilfrid withdrew to Ripon and , although he acted on occasion as bishop for Wulfhere among the Mercians and even ordained priests and deacons in Kent , he did not at this time exercise episcopal functions north of the Humber ( HE III , 28 ; Vita Wilfridi , ch. 14 ) .
6 Co-ordination was still seen as predominantly a ‘ top-down ’ process by planners and did not at this time focus upon activities at the client level .
7 Younger sons did not at this time seek to maintain their gentility by going into the church or the army or by living off an annuity that allowed them to pass their time in respectable ease .
8 I had not at that time met any Americans but the sight of them prowling through what was now my favourite town , talking in their unfamiliar accents to anyone who would listen , rubbed me up the wrong way .
9 He had not at that time known that specific request for permission to shoot at Yugoslavs in support of Military Government had come from Gen Keightley at 5 Corps in Austria .
10 I had not at that time ever been to India .
11 I have not at any time or in any capacity written to Cllr Anderson .
12 Collectively , that does not leave many of us out ; and there can , of course , be few of us who have not at some time or another suffered from what might be thought of as a sexual problem albeit , perhaps , a trifling one .
13 Few workers have not at some time or another been strongly attracted towards a client .
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