Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] [noun sg] as " in BNC.

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1 Here , Valium was prescribed not to substitute heroin as such , but rather to help the user overcome problems related to withdrawal , principally sleeplessness .
2 A draft report from the House of Representatives charged that the EPA ‘ acted improperly or at a minimum created the appearance of impropriety ’ , in deciding not to regulate formaldehyde as a cancer-causing chemical .
3 These are calculated for our sample of 1608 men who were unemployed longer than 28 days and did not give retirement as their reason for their pre-cohort entry job .
4 But , as Elinor was always telling him , Henry did not inspire confidence as a representative of the legal profession .
5 In the event the reactions of Coalition Liberal ministers were so uniformly hostile that Lloyd George moved quickly into reverse ; when he met Coalition Liberal MPs , he merely suggested greater cooperation with Unionists and did not mention fusion as such .
6 Eisenhower , who was not unsympathetic to the plight of the blacks , did not see legislation as the real answer to the problem : " I do not believe you can change the hearts of men with laws and decisions . "
7 This notion of breaking a repertoire of language behaviour into a progressive series , moving from simple to complex stages , bore little resemblance to traditional theories of learning since it did not include rote-memorisation as an essential element .
8 Many assessments do not represent ownership as such .
9 We do not regard money as the only measure of success .
10 There are a number of confounding factors in our deliberation , such as level of knowledge of BSL and the styles involved , attitudes which do not treat BSL as an adequate language code , and the pressures and difficulties of the interpreting task itself .
11 In such cases functional assessment methods are indispensable , and show the value of behavioural methods of working that do not assume consciousness as a fundamental human quality .
12 Since women do not see housework as a coherent , meaningful structure of tasks demanding their full attention , they are not made dissatisfied by its fragmented nature .
13 ‘ They accept what has happened ; but they do not see anger as the fuel for vengeance .
14 What this means , of course , is that functionalists do not see consciousness as a defining feature of the mental .
15 Do not use zinc as a pure chemical with fish ; locked up in the seed it is slowly used and is not present in an overwhelming amount .
16 Do not use alcohol as a means of getting to sleep , this will simply lead to alcohol dependence and there is evidence that alcohol has a detrimental affect on the quality of your sleep .
17 Do not use time as an excuse , he wrote .
18 I do not romanticise agony as a virtue , nor imagine that it makes me superior .
19 Lear , however , as he constantly complained , had not had training as an engraver ; and , in an effort to find a medium that would serve his publication without drawing excessively on his limited resources , he turned to the novel technique of lithography .
20 The ILP founder , Keir Hardie , although a miner , had not entered parliament as the nominee of the Miners ' Federation and most ILP Members were nominated by local Party branches or Trades Councils rather than through the national trade unions .
21 But as Carl Simonton , the radiation oncologist prominent in the holistic health movement , and others point out , this does not isolate diet as the sole or even the main cause and it is likely that cultural factors , for which Japan is unique among industrialised nations , may be more significant ( Simonton et al .
22 That person may hold ‘ citizenship ’ as a legal , national status , but does not display citizenship as a quality .
23 The conservative aspect of the new bourgeoisie is that it establishes a more durable form of capitalism , but as Becker does not see socialism as the only way of ushering in progress , this does not present a problem for him in his depiction of the new corporate bourgeoisie as promoters of development .
24 ( Caterham , in common with other British sports car manufacturers , does not see marketing as a high priority .
25 Further , repeating groups do occur in applications ( values in a ledger , for instance ) , but the normalisation process does not permit representation as an array .
26 Examining the reports of the Chief Constable of Birmingham between 1900 and 1940 , Tony Mason notes that football does not merit inclusion as a policing problem .
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