Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Needless to say , this has not gone to Madrid .
2 Graf , the French and Wimbledon champion , will be a firm favourite to collect her third U.S. Open crown as she has not lost to Sukova in 19 matches since losing in their first meeting as a 14-year-old in 1983 .
3 Er for the panel 's information , Selby District er at any rate has not objected to Leeds City 's proposals in in their U D P for development in within their administrative area which as I mentioned this morning are very substantial .
4 She tried not to listen to Mr Skinner .
5 In return , Louis-Napoleon agreed not to return to France for some years .
6 ‘ First , because I have decided not to go to Australia .
7 the trends , compared to the previous study , in the rates of migration out of the Province of highly qualified students ; What sorts of students decide not to return to Northern Ireland , electing to take up employment elsewhere ?
8 The rest have been ‘ screened out ’ — denied refugee status — and if they choose not to return to Viet Nam under a ‘ voluntary repatriation program ’ they may face indefinite detention in Hong Kong , or an increasing threat of forcible return to Viet Nam .
9 No side has won successive grand slams since Wavell Wakefield 's England of 1924 , though it is worth recalling that what has become known as the Irish Problem deprived Wales in Barry John 's farewell year , 1972 ; they won handsomely against England , France and Scotland but like the Scots dared not venture to Dublin at the height of The Troubles .
10 Not playing her piano might have meant not going to Rickmansworth but he still went .
11 Perhaps what he really meant was that they could n't afford not to go to Nunes .
12 " You ca n't expect me to agree with you on every single thing , Papa , " he said , keeping his voice low so that it did not carry to Senator Sherman and his sons , who were strung out in single file on their ponies behind them .
13 I am sorry that he is disappointed that the order did not go to Swan 's , but I can assure him that there was fair play and it has gone to Yarrow .
14 Houghton did not go to Oxford until the season after , when they they were in Div1 .
15 The Masses were held at Christmas , and at Scone instead of the newly finished cathedral at Birsay , for the King did not go to Orkney that winter .
16 No , I did not go to Whitefriars .
17 He did not go to Carolina .
18 For example , we did not go to Australia in July .
19 Unlike many disagreements within bands , it did not relate to Charman 's actual playing and there was none of the usual ‘ musical differences ’ .
20 She did not talk to Peter or Phyllis , but she wrote a letter — to the old gentleman .
21 She did not talk to Anna , only responded mildly when Anna spoke to her .
22 He did not talk to Ranulf about the problem but listened with half an ear to the young man 's description of his stay at Tynemouth as he wondered what to do next .
23 Ownership did not pass to Butterworth who by his letter had already indicated that he regarded his contract as repudiated .
24 Melody did not reply to Seb 's question , but her face gave her away .
25 Can I assume as you did not reply to Pat Gaudin 's memo of 28 June 1993 that you want the Infosheet on Services to People with Mental Health Problems withdrawn from the Infopack ?
26 At the time he was abroad on an official visit and did not return to France , settling instead in Uruguay .
27 ‘ I think it would please him if he did not return to Kinsai . ’
28 He did not return to England as the advocate of a new political ideal , but as a man who was himself under a new obligation of obedience .
29 It is likely that William of Warelwast revealed an even more outrageous decision : if Anselm did not return to England on the king 's terms , the king would seize his lands and revenues .
30 It was while he was still at Seletar that England declared war on Germany on September 3 , 1939 and he did not return to England until February , 1940 .
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