Example sentences of "[verb] by the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Government has the power and the responsibility to set accounting standards , and financial accounting is dominated by the appropriation accounts , which provide the central account to the legislative of spending by the executive .
2 But it is still dominated by the attitude Parlee advises at the beginning of the chapter .
3 The report noted that " if the 1980s were dominated by the debt crisis in the developing world , the 1990s have started under the shadow of one in the developed " .
4 Component 4 is dominated by the scan line banding mentioned previously , but some anomalous dark areas may be worthy of investigation .
5 Many of the letters are flying in the air above their fellows , or sinking beneath them , and the orchestra of different characters is dominated by the solo x key .
6 The public system of child care in the UK has been dominated by the twin themes of rescue and compensation .
7 Biocontrol agents , dominated by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis , even now account for only ca 1 per cent of this market .
8 It is a picturesque city of cobbled pedestrian streets and timber-framed houses , dominated by the Cathedral Tower , a Gothic building constructed of red Vosges sandstone and standing over 320 feet tall .
9 In that sense purity marks a distinctive break with the earlier sanitary approach to sexual regulation which had been dominated by the elite voice of professional experts .
10 The ground floor has big architectural metal sculptures , dominated by the Elephant Palace whose abstract form in shiny brass echoes the monumental mass of an elephant and scores the top price at $250,000 .
11 By the time the pop charts were dominated by the girl groups of the '60s , the split was n't as apparent .
12 The class structure is becoming dominated by the knowledge mercenaries who hire themselves out to the feudal barons of top management and state agencies , each of whom is as good as the last battle .
13 Land-agents and estate agents passing through at the brief moment of negotiation are likely to be more exclusively dominated by the money motive .
14 In an election dominated by the unification issue , it was notable that combined share of the vote won by the CDU and its Bavarian sister-party , the Christian Social Union ( CSU ) , was only 43.8 per cent , a smaller percentage than in any of the West German general elections except that of 1949 .
15 The central 10pc is dominated by the radio continuum source known as Sgr A ( Fig. 6b ) , and a dense star cluster observed in the infrared .
16 On the Cornish side of the Tamar , the village is dominated by the railway viaduct crossing the river .
17 Successful business transactions hinge on the overcoming of cultural barriers to communication , with the consequent emergence of a localised negotiated order , not so clearly dominated by the host society and its culture .
18 Comment was dominated by the critic Mark Steyn who kicked opera in the teeth and said he 'd take Frank Loesser in preference to Puccini any time .
19 Much of liberal politics before they were snuffed out by the Dej regime had been dominated by the Bratianu family .
20 In a referendum on Aug. 19 popular approval was given to a new constitution drafted by the National Forum , a multiparty conference dominated by the opposition Comité des forces vives formed in mid-1991 .
21 Immediately dominated by the teacher unions , who were committed to the maintenance of teacher autonomy , the Council soon came to view its tasks as increasing the range of choice available to teachers but in no way prescribing what and how they taught .
22 The high moral principle , to use his own phrase , of mid-Victorian muscular Christianity , may well have seemed to the agnosticism of early twentieth-century scientific certainty an insubstantial basis for the development of Co-operation ; and , as a derivative from the French , from the advocacy by Louis Blanc and Buchez of self-governing Producers ' Associations formed by workmen and operating through ‘ National Workshops ’ , the concept was not only at odds with but alien to that of the British Movement which had come to be dominated by the Consumer Movement .
23 Some contemporary Labour groups have very open decision-making structures ; others are dominated by the party leader .
24 Some of these points are illustrated in Table 3.1 which compares the effects of sleep at night and during the day upon growth hormone release and deep sleep ( dominated by an external cause , the act of going to sleep ) and cortisol release and REM sleep ( dominated by the body clock ) .
25 For example , though the use of under 75 years standardised mortality ratio is more sensitive to regional variations , any measure of death rates with an absolute age cut off will be dominated by the mortality experience of men who have a shorter average life expectancy .
26 But where industries are dominated by the market-share/experience curve effects , the logic underlying the BCG model can be a useful aid to thinking about the policy of SBUs in those particular industries .
27 For instance , though some choral sections of Stravinsky 's first movement are almost like Medieval plainchant , the atmosphere of the music is dominated by the motor rhythm of the slightly dissonant accompaniment , with its cross-rhythms and dynamic pulsations giving a modern , machine-like character .
28 ‘ The newer cohorts entered a politics that was dominated by the class alignment and divided their loyalties along class lines more completely than did their elders , those who had entered politics half a century before .
29 Even in a system dominated by the class cleavage , there is no necessity for people on the same side of the cleavage living in different places to favour the same political party .
30 It is doubtful that the BCG matrix is very useful for total portfolio management in many multi-business groups , because , even if the group is involved in SBUs whose business is dominated by the experience-curve effect , it is likely that some of its SBUs will not be and hence that they can not be reliably analysed within just the BCG context .
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