Example sentences of "[verb] by a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the tasks to be done are more complex , and surrounded by a higher degree of uncertainty , then co-ordination may be done more efficiently through instructions and information passed down the managerial hierarchy .
2 That kind of morale booster is infectious and they could well have won by a bigger margin .
3 If you 're willing to pay the first £100 of any claim , your premium will fall by a further 10% .
4 As suggested , the CD3 is a simple , almost artless player , rather heavier than it looks , but simply built , with a bent metal box fronted by a smart alloy front panel extrusion and a drawer whose rather stately progress in and out of the player was bettered by an earlier sample I examined .
5 Direct subsidies are expected to increase by a further £100 million this year .
6 That fund is set to increase by a further £1 million next year , and I certainly expect motor projects to figure significantly within that increased expenditure .
7 Woollen cloth led but was increasingly supplemented by a wider range of manufactured goods as well as by re-exports of tobacco , sugar and dyes .
8 The £1033 he received in sponsorship for the jump was supplemented by a further £1000 from the Forties field charity committee .
9 These three hours of teaching are in turn supplemented by a further hour of lectures on the history of the Graeco-Roman world in New Testament times , on the theology of the New Testament , and on questions of date , authorship and purpose of the individual books of the New Testament .
10 Pope was given a leaving present of £25 , soon supplemented by a further £25 to his widow .
11 There was no reason why God should not have reserved opportunities for fresh discoveries to be enjoyed by a later generation .
12 The medieval bridge , built in 1392 and demolished c. 1856 , was a little distance south-west of the modern road bridge and is recorded as having been preceded by an earlier bridge on the same line ; it had ten waterways set between stone piers and a timber superstructure , a method of construction commonly used by Roman engineers .
13 She was bullied by an older child of the foster family and did not receive the protection from the foster parents which she deserved .
14 And then his eye was caught by a smaller heading in one corner : ‘ Granard tragedy .
15 The referendum had been called by a resolution of the Lithuanian Supreme Council on Jan. 16 ( the day on which the USSR Supreme Soviet decided the scheduling of the all-union referendum ) , and was clarified by a further resolution on Jan. 18 .
16 Boy loved this letter not only because the man it had been sent to shared his new name , but because it was addressed by an older man to a lovelier , younger one .
17 But in a second battle , at Qadesiyah , near Kufah in central Mesopotamia , a large force of Persians was solidly defeated by a smaller body of Arabs , led by Saad ibn Abi Waqqas .
18 The questioning was being done by an older detective , Sergeant Jimmy Thackeray , who had known Terry Place well at one time .
19 So the velocity of the particle will be disturbed by a larger amount .
20 Quite what that meant is unclear and perhaps was unclear then ( the terms of the 817 Ordinatio would have needed updating anyway since Pippin I had died ) ; but the one thing that was perfectly clear was that Lothar was abrogating the 839 division-plan. owed by a younger son to the primogenitus .
21 Geoff Appleyard was in the MTB — he had an injured leg from a previous raid — when he heard the landing party ambush some seven Germans in a patrol before the raiders were in turn ambushed by a larger force .
22 And he added : ‘ I thanked my team for trying hard after the game , but I had to tell them they were outplayed by a better team .
23 Coal had been the making of the Lambton fortunes , and this house , built by a younger son , is part or the lavish evidence .
24 That scaffolding must itself have been built by an earlier form of cumulative selection , at whose nature we can only guess .
25 West German electronic industry output will decline by a further 1% to 2% in 1993 , the chairman of the German electronic industry association , ZVEI , says ; Eberhard von Koerber said output fell a price-adjusted 4% in 1992 , with output of entertainment and information technology slumping by more than 20% .
26 Since demand has risen by a smaller amount than previously , investment has actually fallen .
27 It also has power to extend the duration of any order pending appeal made by a lower court but not beyond the appeal period as defined in s40 .
28 The government squashed a previous recommendation to abolish the ‘ no discrimination ’ clause , made by an earlier inquiry in 1980 .
29 They may like the idea of the trading name being adopted by a larger group but may be reluctant to see their business relocated or asset stripped .
30 When you 're arguing about the money to be spend on repairs , and for example the reason why we 've had to get strict budgetary control on the amount of money which is being spent on repairs , is because that money all comes out of tenants ' rents , and it 's basically a balance — if we want to increase the erm numbers and the standard of repairs that we offer as a landlord , then it has to be met by a further increase in rents , and we think we 've got the balance about right at the moment .
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