Example sentences of "[verb] by [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Problems arise where the sight lines required can not be achieved within the curtilage of land owned by either the vendor or proposed purchaser , and run onto adjoining land .
2 The second approach , occupational structure , has been invalidated by both the population turnaround and the loss of agricultural employment already discussed , but it did once allow a reasonable classification to be made consisting of agricultural-rural , rural and rural-urban ( Robertson , 1961 ) .
3 The ban was applauded by both the SMTA and the Royal Automobile Club in Scotland .
4 Of course there remains a core of consistency which would normally outweigh by far the fluctuations .
5 Phragmata occupying these two positions have been referred to as pre- and postphragmata mata respectively and both may be carried by either the meso- or metathorax of some insects ; no phragma is ever borne by the prothorax .
6 It was a place stoked by both the puritan and the profligate , the missionaries and the military , the drunkards and the degenerates .
7 A situation like this could have been resolved by either the workers in the marketed sector accepting lower wages , or the employers accepting lower profits or a combination of the two .
8 But he said : ‘ I 'm devastated by both the verdict and sentence .
9 The criteria which seem to be applied by both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords in deciding whether leave should be granted are ( Blom-Cooper and Drewry , 1972 ) :
10 This has been done by both the BBC and the " Sunday Times " .
11 Courses will be selected by both the employer and the individual and will be accredited as part of our new 14–19 system .
12 The actual casualties suffered by both the SAS and the LRDG were mainly caused by bombing or strafing when caught in the open desert .
13 We were treated like second-class citizens and accepted by neither the Australians nor the English .
14 The price of tobacco is accepted by both the tobacco industry and those concerned with health to be the single greatest influence , at least in the short term , affecting tobacco consumption .
15 The need to support the police was accepted by both the Labour and the Conservative speakers in the parliamentary debate on the riots , and was established as a benchmark for the official response to the riots long before the Scarman Report was published in November 1981 .
16 Having lost the campaign for the DLP presidential nomination to Kim Young Sam in controversial circumstances [ see pp. 38911 ] , Lee Jong Chan 's possible intervention as an independent had threatened to split further the centre-right vote which was already being sought by both the DLP and the UNP campaigns .
17 The appeal had been lodged by both the prosecution and the defence .
18 Permissions granted by either the Use Classes Order or the GDO can also be removed by a specific condition in a planning permission which will override the provisions of the relevant Order .
19 Earlier , following requests made by both the government and ANC [ see p. 38705 ] , the commission began to investigate allegations of state complicity in the township violence .
20 Some records were made by both the research team and by teachers of the methods used by pupils to obtain answers to the first two questions above .
21 Woven carpets are generally the most expensive , and are made by either the Axminster or the Wilton method .
22 Your regular support will be valued by both the Committee and your fellow members .
23 The provision of plant and scaffolding will usually be subject to negotiation and may be supplied by either the builder or the subcontractor .
24 These three groups will now be considered in more detail , although most attention will be paid to the first group because this includes by far the majority of self-injury cases .
25 So there is a very strong sense , produced by both the narrative and the musical design , that the mad-scene ( hallowed operatic device that it is ) is a truthful climax of everything that has preceded it .
26 Professor Jim Jeffery , for example , who gave evidence for Stop Hinkley Expansion at the Hinkley C Inquiry , had by then spent over eight years in private investigations of the figures on nuclear costs produced by both the industry and government departments .
27 In the late 1980s , the annual programmes produced by both the Partnership and Programme Authorities were in many respects not substantially different from those produced a decade earlier .
28 The account executive will , usually , take the chair in meetings at the agency , and will be responsible for producing the minutes of every meeting — these may be called ‘ call reports ’ or ‘ contact reports ’ , and are usually designed solely to record decisions and list action to be performed by either the agency or the client .
29 It was agreed by both the DES and HMI that , since university teacher training represented excellence , they had nothing to fear , and other institutions could learn from the reports .
30 No matter — the collecting procedures now used by both the US and Japanese team preserve the integrity of our extraterrestrial finds .
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