Example sentences of "[verb] at a [noun] which " in BNC.

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1 The " ko " part announces ownership of a territory and is emitted at a frequency which other males can hear .
2 They stopped at a body which had n't been identified .
3 Members of the public are now used to shopping around to find a firm which provides a service in a form and of a quality which the client wants at a price which the client is prepared to pay .
4 Most items produced in Europe paid practically no English duty if they were to be re-exported to the colonies , but a few , including iron and steel , were taxed at a rate which made continental products very expensive and thus gave English manufacturers a clear field in the colonial market .
5 Also excluded from control were dwelling-houses let at a rent which included payments in respect of board , attendance or , more importantly , the use of furniture , the latter exception giving rise to " lino tenancies " ( linoleum on the floor and very little more ) , an early avoidance of rent control approved by the courts .
6 A variation order or some other delay caused by the client occurs at a time which does not cause additional delay or cost but which would have done so if the contractor had not already been behind schedule .
7 He could be looking at a device which at any moment could be activated by a radio-operated switch .
8 We were looking at a plant which was a little like cow parsley but smaller , its leaves more feathery .
9 We will illustrate fourth normal form by looking at a relation which is in first normal form and which contains information about modules , lecturers and text books .
10 Sometimes there are the most startling surprises when we come to realise how someone else is looking at a situation which , to us , could only be perceived in one way .
11 Are you talking about the current rate as it prevails or we 're told it prevails ion North Yorkshire , or are you looking at a figure which is somewhat nearer the national average or the figure which Mr 's organization have chosen .
12 Drawing it out , she found herself looking at a face which was striking both for its good looks and its expression of surprise .
13 Ellingham diagrams show at a glance which oxide will be reduced .
14 Penry made several attempts to break it , but gave up at last , his face like thunder as he drove at a speed which frightened Leonora to death .
15 In consultation with colleges in 1989 , we planned the changeover to the new system over three years and three batches , providing , we hoped , a timetable which was not too rushed but which at the same time allowed centres to progress at a pace which met their candidates ' needs .
16 In the second case , however , compulsory acquisition at less than market price involves an actual loss since the owner is not only deprived of his property but is also compensated at a price which might be less than he paid for it and would almost certainly be insufficient to purchase a similar parcel of land in the open market .
17 CLOSE allows buy and sell orders to be matched at a price which both parties are seeking .
18 When I look at a Picasso which is using a lot of colours and I look at something else , for some reason I know that Picasso is using colour well , and the other person is n't .
19 When I look at a Picasso which is using a lot of colours and I look at something else , for some reason I know that Picasso is using colour well , and the other person is n't .
20 The fact that a negative view of women is conveyed at a level which must be largely subconscious makes these texts all the more dangerous .
21 Different individuals work at different speeds — you are more likely to achieve most if you can work at a speed which challenges you but which is not beyond your capacity to attain .
22 Inefficiency of this sort , which involves a given level of output being produced at a cost which is higher than the theoretical minimum , is termed X-inefficiency .
23 Riding on the back of a tempestuous wind , this journey became an epic of its time , being accomplished at a speed which remained unequalled until surpassed by an aeroplane more than a century later .
24 The intention was to reduce it to that rate which would constrain aggregate demand to grow at a rate which could be met by increases in real output .
25 Second , he assumes that the natural level of output grows at a rate which for any individual country is a constant over time but which may differ between countries .
26 A librarian whose shelves are full is therefore obliged to weed at a rate which is precisely equal to that of his new accessions .
27 They are undoubtedly right that it has now become clear that the Government will not pay for the expansion it desires at a level which will protect high quality .
28 Listening : a text is dictated at a speed which allows only key words to be noted .
29 The Director General of the Prison Service says he 's concerned about overcrowding at a prison which a national report says is the most overcrowded in the country .
30 Where a driver says ‘ I was blinded by the sun ’ or ‘ There was a patch of fog ’ or ‘ The road was covered with black ice ’ , he should have stopped , reduced his speed or driven at a speed which was safe .
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