Example sentences of "[verb] at the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Reversing its gains of Thursday , the FT-SE slipped back 28.9 to 2697.5 as profit taking dominated at the end of the account .
2 Curative , hospital-based medicine dominated at the expense of prevention , health promotion and community services , and high priority was given to the treatment of short-term episodes of acute illness to the detriment of the care and rehabilitation of the chronically ill .
3 Does Birmingham want a centre where people live and work , or a shopping complex that draws in people who live and sleep at the end of the bus routes ?
4 Earlier Kevin McNamara , Labour 's shadow Northern Ireland Secretary , described his own meeting on Ulster policy as ‘ overshadowed by a man coming to gloat at the scene of one the gravest blows to democracy carried out in these islands : the bombing of the Conservative Party conference ’ .
5 That is either voltage or ligands , in the cases respectively of voltage activated channels or ligand activated channels , both of those factors will act at the level of gating .
6 In a quantum theory of gravity , as we saw in the last chapter , in order to specify the state of the universe one would still have to say how the possible histories of the universe would behave at the boundary of space-time in the past .
7 Suppose that the increase in the money supply is announced in time to be included in that agents fully believe the central bank , and that the central bank behaves in period t in the way that it announced it would behave at the end of t - 1 .
8 Or there was the horse-racing , cricket or football in the parkland , a visit to the skating-rink , or simply marvelling at the mixture of bravura , vulgarity and confidence with which the Victorians had dropped this gigantic testament to British economic expansion into what were then the sleepy rural outskirts of the fast-expanding city .
9 On evening walks down Loreto , a lane of high stone walls , trying to decide on a restaurant , I would stop and run my hands over the ashlars , marvelling at the purity of each one as I have marvelled at the completeness of a sculpture by Brancusi ; each of them so tightly locked together that I found it impossible to fit a fingernail between them .
10 Whilst they fished I explored the shores , haunting the hides , marvelling at the variety of bird , plant and animal life .
11 John Coffin walked away , marvelling at the strangeness of life which made him now mourn a petty criminal whom he had not liked and whom no one had appeared to love , and who might , just possibly , have also poisoned three people .
12 ‘ I 'm sure it is n't as bad as that , ’ said Greg , who was n't who was , in fact , marvelling at the effect of three weeks of Viola , and wondering whether there could n't be more to it than just that .
13 Visitors marvelling at the perfection of work at the Woodworker Show .
14 He turned to look at her , marvelling at the perfection of her body and the animal passion he had found in her .
15 At the time of writing , it has been disclosed at the trial of the former military junta in Buenos Aires that on 5 January 1982 it ‘ set up a working group to analyse the possibility of taking the islands ’ .
16 Her heart went out to Antoinette Gebrec , as yet happily ignorant of the fate of her son , and to Philippe Bonard , whose long-cherished dream had turned to a nightmare , while the man they both loved was lying in a broken , bloody heap at the foot of the cliff .
17 However , for all the splendours of the Monument Valley scenery and Fonda 's tight-lipped moral integrity , there is a downside to his crusade , which is only won at the cost of the lives of two of his brothers and involves the death of Doc Holliday ( Victor Mature ) , a noble outlaw who gets washed away by bullets and consumption along with the bad elements .
18 He has won the Tories a fourth consecutive term — unprecedented , won at the height of a recession — unprecedented too , and delivered the coup de grace to socialism .
19 As Doctor Who swung into production , envious eyes in the Children 's Department studied its apparently lavish costume and set provisions , distinctly convinced that the programme was being made with an inflated budget won at the expense of cutbacks in standard children 's output .
20 Although the JSP increased its representation in the lower chamber by 53 seats and its share of the vote by more than 7 per cent , much of its success was won at the expense of the other opposition parties , all of which suffered a loss of support .
21 Such arrangements were mutually beneficial , although there was always a tendency for the Communist influence to increase at the expense of other less cohesive groups .
22 Following extensive refurbishment , which includes shop floor reorganisation , a new lighting system and distinctive new green shelving , St George 's Gallery Books reopened at the beginning of the summer .
23 As you will have picked up , in my opinion fundamentalism is a dangerous enemy which has to be attacked at the level of the mind and of the heart .
24 The four , of Bangladeshi origin , were returning a video to a store when they were attacked at the junction of Commercial Road and Deancross Street .
25 I had one suitcase , containing my things plus the knitted samples and garments and on several occasions this had to be unpacked at the start of the workshop and repacked at the end !
26 Who would n't jump at the chance of spending a free six months in the Southern Hemisphere , flights paid , car provided and all for a few afternoons coaching ?
27 I assumed McIllvanney had sent a message to Massachusetts asking Sammy to telephone as soon as he reached port , and I was certain that Sammy would jump at the chance of three months ' extra salary , and if he did then Ellen and Thessy would similarly earn their small fortunes .
28 Sammy Meredith will jump at the chance of three months ’ work .
29 Of course he 'd jump at the chance of wearing the most famous shirt in the Premier Division .
30 She did not add , He would jump at the chance of someone filling that post , so that he would n't be asked to take the children off Rose 's hands until she is once more fixed up with someone who could manage her unruly crowd , as well as herself and the house .
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