Example sentences of "[verb] at the [noun] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Cornelius was stumbling along behind , marvelling at the Edinburgh Mercury .
2 Please talk to your class members and let us know at the March QT DAY if you feel there would be support for the idea .
3 The whole place stank of money : much more money than the singer could have earned at the Kitty Kat Club .
4 Co-operation 2.1 demonstrated at the San Francisco bash
5 He was educated at the Liceo Dante and the Instituto Technico , Florence , and studied portrait painting in Paris , which he abandoned in 1888 to travel round the world .
6 Farrar was educated at the Rev. Thomas Arnold 's private oral school at Northampton and was a child prodigy who passed both the London University and Cambridge University examinations by the time he was 17 , and could no doubt have gone on towards a degree had he been inclined to do so .
7 He was educated at the Canongate Burgh School , Edinburgh , and the University of Edinburgh ( 1845–7 , 1851–7 ) where he read arts and divinity but did not proceed to graduate .
8 He was educated at the North London Collegiate School , and studied medicine for one year at St Francis Xavier College , Bruges .
9 He was educated at the North London Collegiate School .
10 He was educated at the North London Collegiate School until , aged about fourteen , he had a cross tattooed on his breast in token of a momentous religious experience , and became a teacher .
11 The family moved to London in 1897 , and Rosenberg was educated at the Baker Street Board School in Stepney , where his natural gift for both drawing and writing so impressed the headmaster that he allowed him to spend most of his time on them .
12 Born and brought up in Montmartre , he was educated at the Ecole Polonaise — an establishment described by Henri Babinski , another celebrated Franco-Polish cookery writer , as one of ferocious austerity — and subsequently at the Lycée Condorcet .
13 He was educated at the École Cantonale , Zoug , Switzerland , and in Portugal at Oporto and Coimbra .
14 In London the situation was very similar to those of Glasgow and Edinburgh , particularly in that many deaf adults had been educated at the Old Kent Road Asylum where they received religious instruction from two earnest ministers , the Rev. Henry Mason , Rector of Bermondsey , and the Rev. John Townsend .
15 Fred Mitchell was born deaf without speech at Calshot Castle , Hampshire , in 1845 and was educated at the Old Kent Road Institution in London .
16 He was educated at the Collège de Genève and entered the University of Aberdeen in 1874 , where he graduated MB in 1878 and MD in 1881 .
17 Sarah Spencer of the Rue Conti Jazz Band is one of many musicians who 'll be appearing at the Farnham Maltings All-Day Jazz Festival on Sunday , May 10th .
18 Earlier , China had protested at the Dalai Lama 's visit to Lithuania , Latvia and Estonia .
19 There is a legend , born out of a murder once committed at the St. James ' Theatre , that if anyone else should be murdered there a dumb woman will appear on stage to reveal the murderer .
20 Turner 's Automatic Points were installed at the Robin Hood junction , and cars coasted to take the corner for Anerley , but continued under power for the straight road to Penge .
21 One example of dump leaching is that used at the Kennecott Chino Mine in New Mexico , USA , from which there is a daily yield of cement copper of 45–50 t ( Pooley 1987 ) .
22 Closing date for this year 's writers ' bursaries from Northern Arts , buying time or a bit of peace and quiet to write at the Tyrone Guthrie Centre , is May 29 .
23 Peter Bourne reveals that on 16 October 1959 Camilo Cienfuegos ( who disappeared in a still unexplained air accident only ten days later ) was interviewed at the Havana Riviera Hotel by Alexander Alekseev , a KGB official who quickly developed an excellent rapport with Castro and played an extremely important role in the development of relations between Cuba and the Soviet Union .
24 In Soho , Karsten Schubert 's exhibition of Keith Coventry 's ten Suprematist paintings , which were previewed at the Cologne Art Fair and superimpose the colours of the leading racist football clubs as identified in a Fascist magazine over a recreation of Malevich 's white Suprematist painting , ends shortly ( to 6 February ) , and is followed by a new series of sculptures designed by Michael Landy ( 10 February-6 March ) .
25 No doubt you have spotted the ‘ Proby Pack ’ , as we call ourselves , clustered at the Sewage Lane end , our shaven heads painted with such menacing slogans as ‘ Cut out the long balls ’ or , on a couple of big heads , ‘ Using two sweepers is a tactical error , Les ’ .
26 The Challenge starts from Currie Post Office at 8 a.m. and finishes at the City Chambers , where a cyclists ’ breakfast is being laid on .
27 Twice I asked Ward about this , the first time just after we had come out of the cloud on the eastern slope of the pass and had caught our first glimpse of Cajamarca far away in the valley below , and then again when we stopped at the Baños del Inca to ask our way , the hot springs steaming beside the public baths .
28 Move to reduce King 's Theatre losses Graeme Wilson looks at the way Edinburgh theatres are coping with recession and the threat of competition
29 And I gets this one out and I 'm reading through it and I looks at the name John , and then I began to take an interest in it and , here I discovered that my grandfather and my great grandfather that 's like my grandfather and my grandmother 's father
30 Anne trained at the Constance Spry School and trades under the name Farmhouse Flora .
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