Example sentences of "[verb] at this time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Place in a cold frame or on a windowsill out of direct sunlight , where they will soon root at this time of year .
2 A very low-fat start to the day is tomatoes or mushrooms on a slice of wholemeal toast ; and the baked bean must not be forgotten at this time of day .
3 Many people are struggling to get their hunters fit at this time of the year .
4 When he moved at this time to larger premises at no. 5 Charing Cross , his maps were reputed the finest being engraved anywhere in the world .
5 Resigned to being detained for several minutes , Melissa forced herself to be pleasant , making suitable replies to his comments on the weather and agreeing that it was a bit unsettled , that frost was still likely to be a problem but was only to be expected at this time of year .
6 … or is it just another of those little habits ( much favoured by men ) that seem to flourish at this time of year .
7 He thought he had probably broken it , but there was little he could do at this time of night .
8 There is even a seasonal indicator which occurs at this time of year .
9 ( It will have to be moved at this time in any case ) .
10 Do you know how much flowers cost at this time of the year ?
11 Eggs are laid down in the autumn and a good digestible protein-rich diet , such as earthworms , should be fed at this time in order to encourage early spawning .
12 So we aim to provide some of the luxuries which most of us tend to take for granted at this time of year . ’
13 Warnings made at this time of the imminent collapse of the East German economy were described by the Guardian of Feb. 10 as " designed to justify Dr Kohl 's abrupt reversal of policy " .
14 Can you find out about any others that can be seen at this time of year ?
15 Villagers said that none ever came at this time of year .
16 a great great save at this time in the game , they certainly do n't wan na concede a goal now .
17 There were controversies about various forms of Church Government and many sects flourished at this time of religious toleration .
18 Indeed , the movement for total abstinence from alcohol , which also flourished at this time in Protestant and puritan countries , illustrates this clearly .
19 Where are you going at this time of night ? ’
20 Doubtless the adverts produced at this time of year have been successful in getting the message home .
21 The Pacifics were used at this time on the Nottingham to Marylebone semi-fasts but they were to be transferred away as the rundown of the GC got underway .
22 The president acknowledged that ground convoys are the best way to deliver aid , but said the airdrops were ‘ a temporary measure , designed to address the immediate needs of isolated areas that can not be reached at this time by ground . ’
23 In mathematics he was clearly one year ahead , and was immediately awarded a Founder 's scholarship and two small exhibitions — and this at St John 's College which was noted at this time for its academic distinction .
24 I understand from 's nephew that the electric convector in the sitting room is dead , and shall speak to about some kind of replacement , though there is of course the second convector in the bedroom which should suffice at this time of year .
25 Possibly the direct effects of war on the Flemish cloth towns , which suffered from the campaigns , may have been a further benefit to English producers ; indeed this may have been a more important factor in the decline of Flanders than the tariff protection enjoyed by England , because the Dutch cloth industry , which used English wool , also developed at this time at the expense of the Flemish .
26 ‘ That was a damn silly thing to do at this time of night . ’
27 If you hike down here ( a much wiser thing to do at this time of year ) the Grand Canyon Department of Arbitrary Silly Rules and Regulations have erected signs that read ‘ Do not go beyond this point without water . ’
28 No one knew where he 'd gone ; everyone was worried sick ; and by the look of her , Shirley Brown was worried the sickest : what could a man be doing at this time of night , for heaven 's sake ?
29 Better management is likely to result from a period of careful observation and assessment , with considerable support being provided at this time through frequent contact with nursing and other ward staff .
30 I often ring at this time of the night for a chat , it helps to stop me from going spare .
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