Example sentences of "[verb] at a time of " in BNC.

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1 If Labour could not win at a time of economic gloom , bolstered by the most effective campaign it has ever fought , and facing a Government whose campaign did not really come to life until the last 10 days — then when could it ?
2 All the nineteenth-century conventions of comedy pointed to the need for universality and in any case Chaplin 's own personal inclinations must have pulled him back from being sectionally committed at a time of class warfare .
3 All this was happening at a time of deep recession worsening by the day with unemployment rising to two and a half million , redundancies up by forty percent in the first four months of ninety one .
4 Education is often the first to be squeezed at a time of cuts .
5 They have come at a time of unprecedented pressure on the government to speed up the introduction of a secure unit .
6 Their adoption in Britain occurred at a time of high unemployment .
7 In the Netherlands , however , it appears that for much of the past 30 years , a substantial reduction in levels of imprisonment occurred with no greater rise in crime than occurred in Britain ; and that reduction occurred at a time of rising crime in Holland .
8 Certainly the fringe banking crisis of 1973–74 occurred at a time of a large inflow of new institutions into the market as a result of the perceived liberal market conditions brought about through competition and credit control .
9 Of course this famous pamphlet was a much more practical political publication than The German Ideology and it was written at a time of tremendous political ferment .
10 The FAO report , written at a time of negligible ecological awareness in fisheries management , suggested that populations of dolphins and fish-eating birds should be reduced to raise the fisheries potential of the region .
11 ‘ Schubert Dip ’ , Ian tells me , was written at a time of innocence , frivolity and irresponsibility .
12 Most of her boyfriends have been collected at a time of crisis in their lives , lame ducks , my father calls them , who tend to move on when they have reorganised their existence , not wanting to be taken over .
13 When a member of the Royal Family becomes pregnant , an announcement is made at a time of their choosing . ’
14 Freud may have been writing at a time of increasing urbanisation resulting from rapid industrialisation , but it is not at all clear that his work has any specifically ‘ urban ’ connotations .
15 Weakening British exports , as the incomes of the primary producing countries overseas began to fall , came at a time of a downturn in the US economy which greatly aggravated deflationary tendencies .
16 Second , demand overload and intractable and complicated problems came at a time of decreased government capacity , effectiveness , and authority .
17 It came at a time of growing interest among member countries of the European Communities ( EC ) in new sources for cheaper supplies of bananas , following the relaxation of the preferential access granted to certain African and Caribbean countries covered by the EC 's Lomé Convention agreement [ see pp. 37210-11 ] .
18 The attack , the most audacious IRA operation on the UK mainland since the 1984 Brighton bombing [ see p. 33365 ] , came at a time of heightened security because of threatened terrorist attacks in connection with the Gulf war .
19 It will issue CDs with a maturity expected to coincide with a liquidity surplus and hold CDs expected to mature at a time of shortage .
20 To overcome the problem of the softner regenerating at a time of peak demand , it is common practice to install duplex units in service/standby mode .
21 In the Soviet Union popular support for the manned space programme was dwindling at a time of great economic hardship and political uncertainty for the majority of the population .
22 The crash had occurred at a time of clear visibility and good weather conditions .
23 In opposition , and to some extent isolated at a time of political consensus , Conservative educators like Professor Brian Cox and Dr Rhodes Boyson attracted considerable press attention through the publication of a series of ‘ Black Papers on Education ’ .
24 Having achieved a degree of fertility , the calves will then be born at a time of reduction in nutritional inputs , and also at the outset of a housing period with all its attendant disease factors .
25 The two men were arrested at a time of increasing student political activism , and a renewed government offensive against the supposed communist threat .
26 Self-provisioning is also more appreciated at a time of economic recession like the present .
27 The microcomputer has arrived at a time of high unemployment .
28 Coming at a time of deep economic recession , the drought has affected the whole economy of Australia .
29 His ‘ powerhouse for change ’ is both optimistic and courageous , coming at a time of unprecedented change and innovation in the NHS .
30 The 1927 powers of detention were conferred at a time of enormous concern about the high birth rate of mental defectives and the supposed decline in the ‘ national intelligence ’ .
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