Example sentences of "[verb] at the time when " in BNC.

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1 In Shell UK v Lostock Garage Ltd [ 1976 ] 1 WLR 1187 Lord Denning MR explained what he thought was meant by the proposition that reasonableness is to be considered at the time when the contract is made : If the terms impose a restraint which is unreasonable in the sense that it may work unfairly in circumstances which may reasonably be anticipated , the courts will refuse to enforce the restraint : but it will not hold it to be unenforceable simply because it might work unfairly in certain exceptional circumstances outside the reasonable expectation of the parties at the time of making the agreement .
2 Although the Supreme Court had ruled that amendments should be ratified within a reasonable period in order to reflect a contemporaneous consensus — the time limit most usually accepted was seven years — no such restriction had applied at the time when the amendment was first sent to the states for consideration .
3 This transition in the comparator output is used to generate the position detector pulse [ Fig. 7.12/1 ) ] , which occurs at the time when winding C should be switched on and therefore can be used directly as a step command .
4 It was built at the time when local builders possessed that magic formula for rightness of scale .
5 And so he got space to build a house and they began it began this part in thirteen sixty although it 's clear that there was an earlier house here , perhaps built at the time when they first got the back in the eleven seventies .
6 When contemplating the history of the palazzo you have to wonder whether there might not have been some truth in an ancient prophecy made at the time when Alessi began work on the building .
7 Such application may be made at the time when the order is made ; if not then applied for , the practice required , at least in some courts , is that the applicant should certify in writing that he has notified the other party of the intended application .
8 If the house was formerly in the sole name of the husband it would be quite appropriate for the wife 's solicitors to insist on a full abstract of title commencing with a good root of title ( although in practice it seems to be accepted that the title was properly investigated at the time of the husband 's purchase ) ; but in the case of a house already in joint names it is thought that this could be dispensed with , the wife 's solicitor assuming that a proper investigation of title to the property was made at the time when the house was purchased by the husband and the wife .
9 that 's right , erm she had said at the time when they had raised all this money that er mostly gon na be spent on erm
10 They are most readily shown at the times when the young are hatching and again when they are fledging .
11 It took Stephanie some time to realise that she always refused what was offered at the time when it was offered , whether out of a curious notion of good manners or out of cussedness Stephanie was never wholly sure .
12 This happened at the time when the long bow was finally succeeded by the musket and pike .
13 Mind you must remember at the time when he was fighting to put it through , the bill through parliament , the whole B M A , British Medical Association were against him , to a man .
14 By providing money for so-called buy-back operations , in which countries either bought their own commercial debts back from the banks at deeply discounted levels or , alternatively , simply used the money as collateral when negotiating low-interest bond deals , a number of countries had been able to reschedule their own external obligations on easier repayment terms than had been agreed at the time when they were made .
15 I did n't realize at the time when I was getting headaches , migraines .
16 This is an old method , used at the time when floor joists were stronger .
17 It was also during this period that primitive man undoubtedly arrived at the time when he was able to communicate with his fellows with developing abilities more effective than those available to the rest of living creatures .
18 We do not know precisely what stage the likelihood of significant harm had reached at the time when Thorpe J. gave his judgment on 12 May 1992 , but , he spoke of the need to strike
19 Only fourteen comprehensive schools existed at the time when Tony Crosland was writing : good grammar schools could not simply be swept away , nor the rights and duties of Local Education Authorities brushed aside .
20 … Whatever be the true view with regard to the act or neglect , I think that the appellant is entitled to say that the respondents ' ‘ default giving rise to the action ’ existed at the time when he suffered his injuries .
21 It is true that much contemporary prose has a clarity and directness that was often lacking at the time when Huey wrote , while technical aids have developed beyond what he could have imagined .
22 Recent studies of language acquisition reveal that children are very attentive , and actively process evidence in ways perhaps not fully appreciated at the time when Chomsky was championing a theory of innate linguistic universals that depended heavily on an alleged gap between the scanty data available to the child and the rich system that he eventually masters in response thereto .
23 Although it was not appreciated at the time when the Japanese swept away the administration , the power and the remaining claims to sovereignty of the French in Indochina , the Second World War in Asia had entered its final six months .
24 In the more seasonal forests , hummingbirds may be migratory , but in all forests they tend to breed at the time when the flowers on which they depend are most abundant , though as with the thrips and the Shorea species , there is some staggering of flowering times and avoidance of competition for pollinators between plants .
25 ‘ Where there is a contract for the sale of specific goods , and the goods without the knowledge of the seller have perished at the time when the contract is made , the contract is void . ’
26 Although many years later Braque recalled how strong an impression tribal art made on him , it is hard to see any direct reflection of this in the paintings executed at the time when Picasso was reacting so positively to tribal sculpture ; even in a painting like the Nu any influence from tribal art seems to have come at second hand , through Picasso 's Demoiselles .
27 But because the scandal broke at the time when one of the most popular pastimes in Yugoslavia was hunting for the scalps of former politicians , the moment the British press reported the involvement of Yugoslav diplomats , Tito 's family and the Yugoslav National Army , the silver became interesting .
28 In his Sonnets Shakespeare achieved the rather remarkable feat of turning to new and individual ends a genre that had flourished throughout Europe for several centuries and was in effect beginning to die at the time when he wrote , in the mid 1590s .
29 Doctors faced with a refusal of consent have to give very careful and detailed consideration to the patient 's capacity to decide at the time when the decision was made .
30 Doctors faced with a refusal of consent have to give very careful and detailed consideration to what was the patient 's capacity to decide at the time when the decision was made .
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