Example sentences of "[verb] at [adv] [subord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All subservient reaction was forgotten at once as Nessie yielded to more primitive instincts and rushed to the car to see her youngest son .
2 A TOP Co Antrim motorcycle ace today spoke of how he thought he was going to die when he crashed at more than 150mph during a race at the North West 200 .
3 On this basis , inflation stands at more than 7% ( at an annual rate ) and has actually crept up since January ( see chart ) .
4 Government changes to the tax system in recent years had allowed the company to come up with a solution which would make shares which had been trading at less than £3 last month to £5 , Mr Ritblat said .
5 The jury of six men and six women retired to consider its verdict at 12.45pm , returning at 4.15pm when Mr Justice Leonard gave permission to return a majority verdict .
6 Such reminiscence of childhood presented at once as reality and illusion came frequently to Eliot around the time of his conversion .
7 To win a slice of that market , Sun , Hewlett-Packard and IBM are now selling workstations priced at less than $1,000 — little dearer than top-of-the-range PCs and far cheaper than the $15,000 or more charged for traditional scientific machines .
8 Digital Equipment Corp will launch three new Alpha workstations running the OSF/1 operating system tomorrow , April 20 , adding a new high end model and two entry level machines — the cheapest of which is priced at less than £5,000 .
9 The wealth of low cost products have indeed reached international markets , some spellcheckers retailing at less than £25 .
10 With the price hovering just about 30p — after peaking at more than 200p earlier that year — the company looked vulnerable .
11 ‘ A pretty ’ manufacturing town , Dursley had several residents who look as though they operated the water trucking mills ; unusually for the area , more than half the fifty-two persons listed were rated at less than 40s. , some of them probably millhands , though others must have laboured in the stone quarry which caught Leland 's eye .
12 The discovery was made at 11.30am after staff arrived at the pub and found they could not get in .
13 The final price for FotoMan is expected to retail at less than £600 exclusive of VAT and should be available during the spring of 1992 .
14 Top : Escort and Orion line-up — not all came at once as Ford promised .
15 Two-thirds of the Coventry artificers were valued at less than £2 , in Babergh hundred , Suffolk , a clear half , many to re-appear in the subsidy lists as wage earners .
16 About 85 per cent of the 215 probate inventories which were appraised within the parish between 1521 and 1603 were valued at less than £50 and 68 per cent were priced under £30 .
17 The point should also be made that practitioners facing potential limitation problems in claims valued at less than £50,000 can no longer employ the expedient of issuing a writ at the last moment before the limitation period expires .
18 There is jurisdiction for actions valued at less than £50,000 to be transferred up to the High Court under ss41(1) or 42(2) of the County Courts Act 1984 , although such transfers are likely to occur only in exceptional cases raising questions of general public interest .
19 His personal effects were valued at less than £1,000 , but the family must have lived in some style , since one of the witnesses to the will was the resident coachman .
20 Barrowden had easily the poorest chantry in Rutland , valued at less than 50s. a year , while , although the curacy was assessed for taxation at £5. 6s. 8d. , the parish priest 's stipend in 1522 was a beggarly 26s 8d .
21 The Stock Exchange does not provide a class distribution according to size of holdings , yet the 23 per cent of shareholders who own stock valued at less than £500 are unlikely to be found at the upper end of the income scale .
22 Joe Bell , who lost 24 breeding pigeons valued at more than £2,500 , said the raiders also broke into another breeder 's loft letting out his stock birds .
23 Cases valued at more than £50,000 may well be transferred if they do not raise any important or complex questions of law or fact .
24 At the time of the 1525 lay subsidy a comparatively small group of thirty individuals ( 6 per cent of those taxed ) , who were assessed on goods valued at more than £30 , dominated the political , economic and social life of the community .
25 Yale University 's $1.5 billion capital campaign got off to a spectacular start when philanthropist Paul Mellon donated gifts valued at more than $50 million .
26 With the contents of the average household valued at more than £15,000 , it 's vital to insure your prized possessions for the journey to their new home .
27 The contract is valued at more than $200m .
28 ‘ The raiders must have had a large vehicle to transport the cattle which are valued at more than £1,000 each , ’ the spokesman added .
29 Early estimates for council tax bills range from a bottom level of £301 for a house worth less than £40,000 up to £903 for a house valued at more than £320,000 .
30 Nonetheless , the company was still valued at more than £1bn on Stock Market as late as last September .
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