Example sentences of "[verb] at [adv] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Thus , where landlords were entitled to determine a twenty-one year lease " at the expiration of fourteen years if they shall require the premises for the purposes of a business carried on by them " it was held to be sufficient for them to show that they would need at least part of the premises before the date on which the lease would otherwise have expired by effluxion of time ( Parkinson v Barclays Bank Ltd [ 1951 ] 1 KB 368 ) .
2 If you 're thinking of using Windows then you will need at least 100Mb of drive space .
3 You 'll normally need at least 10% of the price of the house .
4 After hearing several witnesses , including Aviv and the Observer 's reporter John Merritt , who had interviewed him in November 1989 , Magistrate Judge Ross found that Aviv had divulged at least part of his report to Merritt and had thereby waived work-product protection .
5 Your army must include at least 25% of its points value as units chosen from the following list ; it may include more if you wish .
6 Your army must include at least 25% of its points value as regiments chosen from the following list , and it may include more if you wish .
7 He subsequently went into partnership ; Stratford Mills were operated by Biddle and Bishop during the 1830s , although in later years , other tenants such as corn merchants , Reynolds and Allen , occupied at least part of the mills .
8 If he wo n't deal , we 'll send formal notice to King Henry , and see that the law has at least knowledge of the matter . ’
9 At present , however , there is only limited British research available on such issues and much looks at only parts of the process .
10 The result is that first-time buyers now have to find at least 6% of the valuation to put down in advance .
11 Commenting cautiously on the present situation for the newspaper Kultura , the Chairman of the Archaeo-Geographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Academician Sigurd Schmidt , has said that he is convinced that a library belonging to the Muscovite sovereigns does in fact exist , and that , wherever it may be located , it will be possible to find at least fragments of what is left .
12 Nearly 60% of pensioners receive at least 75% of their income from state benefits , particularly the basic pension .
13 Cats ' alert : Fire caused at least £10,000 of damage to the first floor of a house in Pannal Avenue , Whinney Banks , Middlesbrough last night .
14 The government had to increase its grant to the Arts Council in order to replace at least part of the subsidies these county authorities had paid to support cultural activities .
15 Larry 's mother had seen at least part of this .
16 About three-quarters of the most senior teachers had seen at least part of the booklet , whereas only 15 per cent of the most junior had , with 60 per cent and 40 per cent for the upper and lower middle status categories respectively .
17 Rose , in his book Do Parties Make a Difference ? , argues that " the 1974 Heath Government fulfilled at least 80% of its manifesto pledges … [ and ] the 1979 Labour Government … acted unambiguously upon 54% of its manifesto commitments and gave some evidence of action upon another 19% " .
18 It correctly stated at least 3″ of strip glass was required , but did not say what thickness .
19 Cut the plastic to cover at least 75% of the tank 's base , cut one or two holes along the back for the uplift tubes to fit in tightly , either just pushed in or siliconed .
20 The Spanish government may , of course , be hoping in the long term to be able to buy at least part of this collection at favourable rates ; otherwise it must simply be gambling on the Thyssen collection being a sufficiently spectacular and alluring feather in the cultural cap of the capital over the next ten years to make its considerable investment worthwhile .
21 The argument that the position of the Phillips curve depends on inflationary expectations may provide at least part of the explanation for the empirical breakdown of the original Phillips curve in the late 1960s .
22 The pharmacokinetics of morphine may provide at least part of the explanation , but there are too few data to justify the editorial 's subheading ( morphine-3-glucuronide does not , by the way , bind to opiate receptors ) .
23 What 's more , Pinnacle says it will deliver its S-10 clone at around 65% of Sun 's list price , which would peg an entry-level machine with a 36MHz CPU doing 86 MIPS , 44 SPECint92 and 53 SPECfp92 at around $12,000 — £9,600 .
24 ‘ BHP should have used at least part of the money to invest in new technology and upgrade and improve its competitive standing in Australia . ’
25 General Marshall and his colleagues in the joint chiefs of staff believed the United States must occupy at least part of Korea in order to increase American power in the postwar balance between American and Soviet interests in the Far East .
26 Could not private investment fill at least part of the gap ?
27 You will also need to use at least part of this milk with your cereal breakfasts .
28 You may prefer to pay more for a course geared specifically to the needs of health visitors rather than something more general , and may be able to recoup at least part of the costs of attending a course from your local continuing education budget .
29 The planned partial flotation of Optus Pty Ltd , Sydney , Australia — expected to raise about $100m and release at least 5% of equity in the company — has been deferred until at least late 1994 : the reason for the delay is said to be to gain more detailed information about market share splits between Optus and the Australian and Overseas Telecommunications Corp , says the Australian Financial Review .
30 Under the new rule , any company wherein the individual can exercise at least 5% of the voting rights will qualify the individual for retirement relief , subject to satisfaction of all the other conditions .
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