Example sentences of "[verb] at [art] local [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The seasoned rockers and cabaret bores at the local pub would appreciate the fact they have travelled up and down the country , playing every decrepit club and hovel on the way .
2 Merrick was educated at the local board school in Syston Street , Leicester .
3 He was educated at the local church school then , at the age of twelve , went to work for a builders ' business in Lancaster .
4 He was educated at the local parish school , the Miller Institution , later Thurso Academy , but little is known of his academic record .
5 He was educated at the local grammar school and then Caius College , Cambridge , where he took his BA degree in 1665 , before embarking on a grand tour .
6 In Saunders 's view , the ‘ local state ’ can not simply be reduced to a functioning part of a national capitalist state , for within certain constraints ‘ non-capitalist interests can win at the local level in a way that is becoming increasingly difficult at national level ’ ( pp. 4 , 11 ) .
7 It will be targeted at the local population with specific events/ workshops for schools , service users and carers .
8 About three weeks after I started looking , I came upon an advertisement for a receptionist to work at a local authority office building , not too far from my new home .
9 Utilising at a local level the dynamic model of the building process developed at macro level by the Building and Civil Engineering Economic Development Council ( see ‘ How Flexible is Construction : a Study of Resources and Participants in the Construction Process ’ NEDC HMSO 1978 ) the research is intended to provide a detailed profile of the construction industry into the counties of West Glamorgan and Dyfed .
10 The truth is that the health authorities and the social services department engaged in different types of service development , in different contexts , with different resources and with different outcomes — even though a surprisingly uniform ideal of community care was upheld at the local level throughout the service systems .
11 There was little class consciousness in the European sense among the peasantry or urban workers in the nineteenth century , though occupational groups such as washermen , carters or fishermen could unite at the local level to protect their economic interests .
12 Given that it is based on a model which examined variation among electoral wards within only a few regions it could be argued that it is more validly applied at a local level .
13 We recognise that the bulk of actual recruitment spade work will be done at a local level , but , apart from a few heroic efforts , the branches were not up to it .
14 When looking at the local underbelly of the centre initiative at Powick , it was seen that the provision of more than one psychiatric hospital within a district , after 1982 , meant certain death for one or other institution .
15 The educational aspects of social change can be assessed only by looking at the local education authorities .
16 Fourthly , no central guidance has emerged on how to coordinate at the local level , care management , the care programme approach , and hospital discharge procedures , thus inviting triplication of planning effort .
17 But just as these new politics have been developing at the local level , so too we need new theories and new concepts to take account of them .
18 Last night the old campaigner Benn was at an end of election meeting at a local community hall ; tonight there is a post-count tea with sandwiches .
19 They found themselves among a throng of about 10 at a Workers ' Revolutionary Party meeting at a local community centre .
20 Finally , a good deal of inquiry is made at a local level by local authorities or local voluntary bodies attempting to assess a particular problem in the immediate area .
21 Enquiries about the social fund , ( Page 2 ) income support ( Page 2 ) and fuel direct ( Page 8 ) should be made at the local office of the Department of Social Security .
22 Such questions would need to be studied and evaluated at a local level .
23 Most importantly the hotel gains a security system whose cards can not be copied at the local locksmith .
24 The first happened at the local cinema .
25 This means that there are a number of intermediaries between original producer and eventual buyer , as in the case of the box of foreign-made chocolates bought at a local retailer by a housewife .
26 Sites vary throughout the world , and it is important to look at the local situation .
27 Will the Leader of the House find time today to plan a journey from south Norfolk to north-west Norfolk to look at the local health services ?
28 The pressure for an increase in wage levels , at least as agreed at the local branch or shop-floor , steadily mounted , and in the 1977–8 pay round settlements averaged over 1 5 per cent .
29 Implicit in these works is the belief that national developments were unproblematically reflected at the local level , that the national was simply an aggregate of the local : ‘ There is a sense in which the achievements and failings of Labourism at the national level are mirrored at the local level , a sense in which constituency Labour parties are a microcosm of the national Labour Party ’ ( Forester 1976 p 71 ) .
30 Implicit in these works is the belief that national developments were unproblematically reflected at the local level , that the national was simply an aggregate of the local : ‘ There is a sense in which the achievements and failings of Labourism at the national level are mirrored at the local level , a sense in which constituency Labour parties are a microcosm of the national Labour Party ’ ( Forester 1976 p 71 ) .
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